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  1. RB_July14_Housing_Later_Life_Report.pdf

    the Government to implement a national energy efficiency programme by using the income from carbon taxes. This could help up to 9 million older people over the next 15 years. The campaign believes the Government ... attractive financial proposition for developers. Age UK would like to see consideration of planning or tax concessions that might provide incentives for this type of development. Housing wealth and housing

  2. Carers Policy Statement - August 2019.pdf

    out on over £700m of entitlements38 . Up to 100,000 people are missing out on a 25 per cent council tax discount available if they are living with someone with ‘severe mental impairment’ such as dementia39 ... Disregarded Discount - report into the ‘Severely Mentally Impaired’ (SMI) council tax discount, 2017 14  Carers should be able to build up adequate retirement income. State pension changes

  3. RB_June15_Frailty_language_and_perceptions.pdf

    things for himself, and the furthest he can walk outdoors is now the cornershop at the end of his road. This often makes him feel down and even ‘useless’, but he would never say this to anyone, not even

  4. Welsh Advocacy Newsletter Extra May 2020_.pdf

    Menai, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 4FH Wrecsam: NWCHC, Uned 1b ac Uned 1d Parc Busnes Wilkinson, Clywedog Road South, Wrecsam, LL13 9AE ASNEW ASNEW – rydym ar agor Gallwch gysylltu â ni dros y ffôn: 01352 759332

  5. FS62.pdf

    situation on the ground. This conclusion was based on the fact a Court had awarded damages following a road traffic accident and another had appointed the person’s deputy. The Courts being public authorities

  6. RB_May13_Computers_and_the_internet.pdf

    “I knew there were other courses, I’d seen adverts and there was a place on the other side of the road from Age UK that did run courses but they weren’t free” (female, 75+, B, less sparse urban) “I saw ... have done and keep off the dangerous roads, so I can map it out before we go. It’s so useful for that. You can see the distances and where to go to keep off the big roads. On YouTube you can see other cyclists

  7. FS60w.pdf

    support carers; and  we campaign and research. Age Cymru Mariners House Trident Court East Moors Road Cardiff CF24 5TD 029 2043 1555 Registered Charity 1128436 11.2 How we can

  8. FS66w.pdf

    limited by guarantee 6837284. Age Cymru Ground Floor, Mariners House Unit A, Trident Court East Moors Road Cardiff CF24 5TD

  9. CRS_June14_Employment_support_for_unemployed_older_people.pdf

    Programme figures, because the New Deal figures are based on jobs verified by HMRC information on PAYE tax paid rather than just provider claims that are subject to audit, as in the Work Programme. When DWP ... recent welfare reforms including the bedroom tax were felt to be creating additional stresses for older jobseekers. As some providers noted, the bedroom tax (whereby those in social housing have to pay

  10. RB_14_Care_in_Crisis_report.pdf

    decent social care at home would have been. This does not represent good value for money for the tax payer. More profoundly, it is no way for anyone to spend their final years. Age UK believes we could

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