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  1. RB_Dec15_The_end_of_formal_social_care.pdf

    further funding is found in this parliament, we may be moving towards a mixed and somewhat polarised system of care with some private formal care for those that can afford it, alongside rising reliance on

  2. CRS_Feb16_LGA_housing_commission.pdf

    Taking preventative action on housing will reduce the demands placed on the health and social care system. 22. Local Age UKs and a number of housing associations are exploring ways of coordinating integrated

  3. Information Advice and Advocacy Policy Statement - Mar 2015.pdf

    appropriate. Jargon and acronyms should be avoided. Whilst it is recognised that many service delivery systems are now complicated, this should be an issue for professionals to handle, not the person wishing

  4. Age Cymru - Consultation response - Duty of Candour (1).pdf

    carefully consider what works for patients in written communications and make changes to existing systems. Question 26 Do you agree the requirement placed on NHS organisations to take all reasonable

  5. Age Cymru - Consultation response - Duty of Candour December 2022.pdf

    carefully consider what works for patients in written communications and make changes to existing systems. Question 26 Do you agree the requirement placed on NHS organisations to take all reasonable

  6. EnvisAGE_2019_english.pdf

    express their wishes and concerns.2 Advocacy services can help an older person to navigate complex systems, make their voices heard, and build up the confidence and resilience to speak up for themselves ... mental capacity experiencing abuse or neglect are at heightened risk within the criminal justice system. Independent Mental Capacity Advocates are under-used. Assessments of capacity tend to be too general

  7. AC5 full report CYMRAEG.pdf

    dadansoddi effaith a chanlyniadau a geir ac adrodd arnynt. Bydd y sefydliadau hynny nad oes ganddynt system cofnodi a mesur canlyniadau yn gweld y pecyn cymorth manwl hwn yn arbennig o ddefnyddiol.7 ... newydd wedi dod yn eu lle. Dywedodd pum ymatebwr bod ganddynt restr aros a dywedodd naw bod ganddynt system flaenoriaethu. Pasiodd naw ymatebwr y cwestiwn hwn heb ei ateb. Dywedodd un ymatebwr bod ganddo restr

  8. AC5 Full report Final ENGLISH.pdf

    outcomes achieved. Those organisations that do not have an existing outcomes recording and measuring system will find this detailed toolkit particularly helpful.7 Advocacy Action Alliance In 2013 a number ... been replaced. Five respondents said they have a waiting list and nine said they have a prioritising system. Nine respondents skipped this question. One respondent told us that they have a four week waiting

  9. RB_2013_Age_UK_Digital_Inclusion_Evidence_Review.pdf

    communicate using e-mail, but this drops to 20% for using social networking and 13% for Skype and similar systems. This pattern for the 65+ group looks likely to change in the next few years as far as e-mail and ... although older adults are willing to use technology, many report usability problems with existing systems and these 20 Age UK Digital Inclusion Evidence Report 2013 Marcus Green and Phil Rossall problems

  10. FS46w - Welsh.pdf

    2014 Daeth y Ddeddf hon i rym yn llawn yn Ebrill 2016, a dyma’r brif ddeddfwriaeth sy’n ymdrin â’r system gofal cymdeithasol yng Nghymru, gan gynnwys:  y broses asesu gofal cymdeithasol;  rheolau perthynol ... tebyg). Gelwir hyn yn ‘anwybyddiad cynilion’. Sylwer: Mae’r anwybyddiad cynilion yn gysylltiedig â’r system Credyd Cynilion y Credyd Pensiwn (gweler adran 11.4 isod) ac mae’n berthnasol i incwm a chynilion

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