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  1. RB_Dec16_No_one_Should_Have_No_one.pdf

    No one should have no one Working to end loneliness amongst older people No one should have no one 03 What is Age UK doing to address loneliness? 05 What have we learnt? 10 What can you do to prevent ... and 12,000 people approached Age UK to find out more about volunteering opportunities. Age UK is working hard with many other organisations to encourage us all to come together to help reduce loneliness

  2. Commissioning IPA Framework English Oct 19.pdf

    fulfil their duties under the Act. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all involved, for the work that they have done in the last three years in developing this Framework to ensure that advocacy services ... complete the work in developing the Framework and Toolkit. We are grateful for the expertise and knowledge of the Golden Thread Advocacy Programme staff team and for all their hard work in developing

  3. RB_June17_Jo_Cox_Loneliness_Booklet.pdf

    aware of the problem, but to ask us all to take action to reduce loneliness. The Commission will be working throughout 2017 to address the impact loneliness has on different sections of society and plans to ... This briefing outlines the information you need to know about loneliness amongst older people, what works to help them and the crucial role you can play in helping lonely older people in your constituency

  4. Self Assessment Form For Providers English.pdf

    advocacy under the Act.  Support the development of sustainable models for advocacy service delivery.  Work with new and existing service providers to ensure they are tender ready for statutory advocacy commissioning ... bodies and service providers in using resources more efficiently to support well-being outcomes.  Work with representative groups of potential service users and carers to raise awareness of advocacy in

  5. ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Oct 2020.pdf

    until the end of March 2023. Thirteen of the fifteen project staff are now in post and already working with older people, carers, volunteers and organisations across Wales. This exciting new project ... advocacy or any form of statutory advocacy and we won’t duplicate existing services, but rather we’ll work with and complement the existing advocacy providers across Wales. HOPE will engage with communities

  6. CRS_Nov17_DfT_accessibility_action_plan.pdf

    our local partners with information and advice on a range of issues influencing later life. We also work closely with our partners Age Cymru, Age NI, Age Scotland and Age International. INTRODUCTION The ... licencing that does not undermine their viability. - The DfT and other Government departments should work together on planning policies and guidance affecting the ability of older people to travel to essential

  7. Summer 2022 Newsletter ENG.pdf

    ‘popin’ and find out more about our work, how we can help and to share your thoughts and issues with us. I hope you enjoy these and the many other updates on our work across Wales. Victoria Lloyd 2 The ... Senate of Older People, Active Wales, National Pensioners Convention Wales, and Pensioners Forum Wales worked in partnership to understand the experiences of the Covid-19 pandemic by people aged 50 or over in

  8. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter March 2022.pdf

    Quality Performance Mark (QPM) from the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) for the work it delivers through projects such as HOPE and Dementia Advocacy. The QPM is the UK’s only independent ... their needs and have increased choice and control in their lives. To gain the QPM, the charity’s work in this area had to undergo a rigorous self-assessment process and policy review followed by a

  9. Newsletter Summer 2021 - English.pdf

    that many carers were just about coping but worried about how they will manage in the future. We’re working with Carers Trust Wales to make sure older carers know what help and support is available. We also ... told us the pandemic has made things worse. Whilst many GP surgeries have adapted to newer ways of working, getting an appointment can be a major issue. One respondent, a female aged 55-59 from Cardiff said:

  10. RB_June16_Age_Friendly_Places_guide.pdf

    3 As we all live longer, more of us will need to get out and about as consumers, to volunteer, to work and as care givers. We will need to ensure that those who are less mobile or not online are not left ... context for local government, service providers and the communities they serve, there is a real need to work together to remove the barriers older people face to participating in their communities. Our vision

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