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  1. Advocacy Newsletter - October 2018 English.pdf

    older people than in 2016.  Looking ahead, the number of services who believe that their funding will remain the same or increase has risen to 65% compared to 53% in Advocacy Counts 5.  Services specifically ... client group Number of organisations providing these services (Please note that these services will include other statutory services such as IMCA and IMHA) 26 12 44 15 41 18

  2. FS62.pdf

    Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS). However, this has been delayed and it is not known when the LPS will come into force. 2 What are Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards? The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards ... liberty. It must make a DoLS application if it is likely that your care or treatment arrangements will deprive you of your liberty, and you lack mental capacity to consent. They are known as the ‘managing

  3. RB_Dec14_I'm Still Me_UCLPartners_Age UK_National_Voices.pdf

    Local Act Personal, in May 2013. Together they will help commissioners and providers to work together with older people, to design care and support that will be successful in achieving the outcomes that ... set to double in the next 20 years and treble in the next 303. As a consequence older populations will form a growing proportion of our society. 75% of 75 year olds have more than one long-term condition

  4. Carers Guide (Eng) Nov 22.pdf

    Many of these carers are unaware of their rights and the support that’s available to them. This guide will tackle this, setting out what unpaid carers’ rights are, and mapping the various kinds of support ... source=BAdviser&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=GovUK What you will need Before using a benefit calculator you’ll need accurate information about your: • Savings • Income

  5. Response on social care practice guidance - November 2018.pdf

    age is itself a reason for treating them differently from other adults. In common with most other forms of discrimination, ageism is based on inaccurate stereotypes, and often in the case of older people ... are specifically targeted. We want to help create barriers that keep scams away from people. This will not be easy and we believe working in partnership is essential so we can share our knowledge of financial

  6. Age Cymru Hope Project overview page + QPM BILINGUAL - updated June 24.pdf

    supports Advocacy Ambassadors, who will promote awareness of rights and choices, and the importance, benefits and outcomes of advocacy. HOPE promotes advocacy in all its forms to show how important it is and

  7. Falls prevention school resource - Key stage 2.pdf

    resource pack Preparation for the session How to set up the fall ‘incident scene’ A fall ‘incident scene’ will need to be set up prior to the session, preferably in a separate space such as a school hall but this ... a variety of ideas of what to include. Hazard Key points to set up as a hazard Rug Lay the rug to form folds, it could also be laid on a shiny surface. Ideally use a rug that is old with curled up edges

  8. A One-Stop-Shop guide for unpaid carers in Wales - June 2023.pdf

    Many of these carers are unaware of their rights and the support that’s available to them. This guide will tackle this, setting out what unpaid carers’ rights are, and mapping the various kinds of support ... source=BAdviser&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=GovUK What you will need Before using a benefit calculator you’ll need accurate information about your: • Savings • Income

  9. FS56.pdf

    member of the couple and is the lead claimant. The DWP write to advise them that their existing awards will cease when Susan reaches SPA and that they should claim UC instead. Where the younger partner is the ... you do not transfer to UC due to a change of circumstance, you will be part of the ‘managed migration’ process between now and 2029. You will receive a letter (a ‘migration notice’) inviting you to claim

  10. Transport policy statement - January 2022.pdf

    accessible to older people. Without these, there is an increased risk that isolation and loneliness will impact upon people’s wellbeing. It is essential that older people in all areas have the means to get ... for people to use their cars on a daily basis’,2 some people depend on a car as the only practical form of independent transport, including older people that may experience mobility issues, or for carers

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