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  1. Equalities and diversity monitoring form.docx

    if you would complete this fully anonymised monitoring form. The information gained from this form will be used for evaluation purposes only. If you would rather not answer the questions posed under any

  2. CRS_June12_No_fault_dismissal_in_micro_businesses.pdf

    believes there is nothing to be gained from further reducing employment protection in this way. Doing so will only serve to create a two-tier workforce with those employed by micro-businesses enjoying less protection ... making such employers less desirable to potential recruits. In addition, there is a risk that it will undermine efforts to extend working lives. Once out of work, older workers often find it difficult

  3. RB_May16_zero_hour_contracts.pdf

    with other responsibilities or to phase their transition to retirement. However, other older workers will have a very poor experience of working under a ZHC, particularly where they have little control over ... or services available to the workers, and (b) there is no certainty that any such work or services will be made available to the worker.”5 3 Since June 2015, an employer may not prevent an individual working

  4. FS2.pdf

    security of both public and private specialised and supported older people’s housing. The taskforce will run for up to 12 months and is due to make recommendations to Government during 2024. 2 Introduction ... allows it. When looking at schemes, think carefully about the manager’s duties and whether you are willing to pay for this service. Some schemes may not have a scheme manager. This may mean a lower service

  5. RB_Dec16_No_one_Should_Have_No_one.pdf

    loneliness? Call in Time is a national service originally launched with the support of Zurich Community Trust in 2005. It works by recruiting and training volunteers to make one call a week to an older person ... tackling loneliness in older age. Their work is funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the Tudor Trust and the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation. Local Age UKs have been providing services for many years that

  6. IG06.pdf

    types of care home 8 Care needs assessments 9 Paying for care Who pays for my care home place? 12 Will I have to sell my home? 17 Third party top-up fees 20 Paying for your own care home place 21 Choosing ... place’ on page 21. Who pays for my care home place? Following your care needs assessment, the council will do a financial assessment to find out what you’ll have to pay towards your fees, and whether you’re

  7. In your area

    products and services. Your local Age Cymru partner may not run the exact service you require, but they will be able to signpost to the nearest partner or organisation who does. Age Cymru Dyfed Age Cymru Gwent

  8. Jo Gray

    choose to work on something that you love and make a commitment you can easily manage and then you will love it- it gets addictive!

  9. Lyn Horsfall

    becoming involved with volunteering? If you have time and are happy to give something of yourself you will be rewarded tenfold.

  10. Rebecca Bennett

    to someone who is thinking of becoming involved with volunteering? If you have any spare time and willing to commit on a regular basis then do it. It makes you feel good but the difference it makes to the

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