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  1. RB_March13_Age_Friendly_Neighbourhoods.pdf

    and the related cost savings to the public sector. Creating and maintaining neighbourhoods that are a great place to grow old needs to be given higher priority. These are Age UK’s headline public policy ... Every local authority should be working towards achieving age friendly status – communities that offer a good quality of life to all generations, reflecting the priorities of the Dublin Declaration.  Older

  2. CRS_Nov16_Managing_medicines_for_adults_receiving_social_care_in_the_community.pdf

    London WC1H 9NA T 0800 169 80 80 F 020 3033 1000 E Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 ... Excellence (NICE) is currently developing a guideline around the management of medicines for adults receiving social care in the community. Older people form a large and growing part of the demographic

  3. FS20w.pdf

    6 2.1 Does a care need fall within the remit of the health service (NHS) or the local authority social services department? 6 2.2 What is the difference between a healthcare need ... need and a social care need? 8 3 Welsh Government guidance on NHS CHC – the National Framework 9 4 Who might be eligible for NHS CHC

  4. RB_Oct11_Delivering_The_Equality_Duty.pdf

    2011 2 Introduction The Equality Act 2010 introduces for the fi rst time a duty on public bodies to promote age equality. This offers a major opportunity to improve the lives of older people and assist public ... provide an overview of the requirements of the equality duty and equip public bodies to implement it in a way that delivers tangible benefi ts to those in later life. It explains the legal requirements that

  5. Commissioning IPA Toolkit English Oct 19.pdf

    Creating an age friendly Wales A toolkit to support the application of the Framework for Commissioning Independent Professional Advocacy for Adults under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act ... sufficient and skilled providers 33 11 Adopting a systematic co-productive approach 11 12 Monitoring and reviewing need, delivery and performance 12 Annex A 43 Annex B 49 Annex C 74 Annex D 95 Annex E 102

  6. FS41w.pdf

    9 3.1 Initial contact with the local authority and making a referral 9 3.2 Needs assessment for the person with care needs (and, where ... person? 16 5.3 Local authority duty to offer an assessment if you are a carer 17 5.4 Can the local authority refuse to assess you? 18 6 Who will carry out the assessment? 19

  7. RB_July14_Access_all_ages_2.pdf

    Our first report, Access all ages, showed that there is a marked decline in rates of elective (non-urgent) surgery for the over-65s living with a range of common conditions. The report’s recommendation ... clear: chronological age should not be used instead of clinical factors to decide whether to allow a patient a particular form of treatment or procedure. As this follow-up report shows, the problems are far

  8. CRS_March16_Mental_wellbeing_NICE_quality_standard.pdf

    this quality standard?  Yes  No Key area for quality improvement Why is this important? Why is this a key area for quality improvement? Supporting information Separately list each key area for quality improvement ... t [Insert footer here] 2 of 9 Key area for quality improvement Why is this important? Why is this a key area for quality improvement? Supporting information pulmonary disease (COPD) be considered at

  9. RB_Oct14_NHS_Five_Year_Forward_View.pdf

    look like? A new relationship with patients and communities… 10 - Getting serious about prevention… 10 - Empowering patients… 13 - Engaging communities… 14 - The NHS as a social movement… ... local leadership… 29 - We will create aligned national NHS leadership… 29 - We will support a modern workforce… 30 - We will exploit the information revolution… 32 - We will accelerate

  10. RB_2013_Age_UK_Digital_Inclusion_Evidence_Review.pdf

    refers throughout only to those not using the internet. The research quoted has been selected from a wide-ranging review of the evidence sources, but only those results which the authors consider generally ... excluded due to low statistical significance. The topic of digital inclusion is a fast-changing one on which there is a lot of opinion and information available, but where the robust research evidence

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