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  1. CRS_June14_CPA_Using_housing_wealth_to_pay_for_care.pdf

    welfare transfers to older people. The report says “The increasing value of mortgages held by the young and the rising property wealth of older cohorts indicate a transfer of wealth has taken place: the

  2. FS10w.pdf

    Both residential care homes and nursing care homes can provide various specialisms/services (e.g. dementia care). However, a home must not provide nursing care if it is not registered for that purpose. Some ... requiring this accommodation will generally have “an organic mental illness e.g. Alzheimer’s or dementia or a functional illness such as depression”. They may be:  “Very forgetful of recent events”;

  3. FS22.pdf

    Telephone helpline 0333 150 3456 Campaigns for and provides support to people affected by all types of dementia and their relatives and carers. The helpline provides information, advice and support. Association

  4. FS1w.pdf

    Mental health conditions include:  depression or anxiety;  psychosis and bipolar disorders;  dementia; or  intellectual or development disorders. Note: Evidence of a health condition You will need

  5. RB_May14_CPA_Effectiveness_of_care_pathways.pdf

    A survey of the most common predisposing health conditions is performed, including incontinence, dementia, depression, stroke and susceptibility to falls, supported by illustrative excerpts from interviews

  6. FS20w.pdf

    31 of 77 Case study 1 “A sixty six year old lady with vascular dementia, mini strokes and subsequent cognitive impairment was admitted [to hospital] following a fall which

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