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  1. GCBH-Engage_your_brain.pdf

    for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). The National Academies committee found that the “AHRQ systemic review did not identify any specific interventions with enough evidence to justify mounting an assertive ... people to adopt them for preventing cognitive decline and dementia.” Based on findings from the systemic review and other supplemental data sources, however, the National Academies committee concluded

  2. RB_Sept13_Age_UK_Digital_Inclusion_Evidence_Review.pdf

    communicate using e-mail, but this drops to 20% for using social networking and 13% for Skype and similar systems. This pattern for the 65+ group looks likely to change in the next few years as far as e-mail and ... although older adults are willing to use technology, many report usability problems with existing systems and these 20 Age UK Digital Inclusion Evidence Report 2013 Marcus Green and Phil Rossall problems

  3. FS66w.pdf

    Right’ – the system for NHS complaints in Wales 8 3.1 The ‘Putting Things Right’ guidance ... 8 of 45 3 ‘Putting Things Right’ – the system for NHS complaints in Wales There is a two-stage system for resolving complaints about the NHS in Wales:  Stage one This stage

  4. BGF_Pilot_Evaluation_Report.pdf

    supports colleagues in the Charity and local Age UK Brand Partners to understand and develop evaluation systems and processes across delivery programmes, ensuring that appropriate methodologies are recognised ... Munih, M. (2012) ‘Skill transfer from symmetric and asymmetric bimanual training using a robotic system to single limb performance’, Journal of NeuroEnhgineering and Rehabilitation Uhm, Y-H., Park, S-K

  5. RB_May16_CPA_rapid_review_Diversity_in_older_age_LGBT.pdf

    of over 96,000 participants, the 2003–2010 ‘Washington State Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System on health outcomes’, found LGB older adults had higher risk of disability, poor mental health, smoking ... be particularly difficult time for older LGB individuals and their friends and carers. Hospital systems often relate to ‘next of kin’, even where the older LGB person has, for a long time, been estranged

  6. RB_May13_bus_services_in_rural_areas.pdf

    views and needs of older people. • Where private travel is not possible and the public transport system does not fully serve the needs of older people in the area, then local authorities should be expected ... community transport or taxis. • Those local authorities who have recently withdrawn token or swipe card systems to pay for community transport or taxis should reinstate them. It is a short sighted policy for these

  7. IG03.pdf

    circumstances. Good to know From April 2024, a new medical examiner system will apply to all deaths not referred to a coroner. Under the new system, relatives will have the opportunity to ask questions and raise

  8. forum resource manual WELSH v4.pdf

    systemau’r pwyllgorau yn cael eu disodli gan fodelau llywodraethu gweithredol yn seiliedig yn fras ar system lywodraethu cabinet San Steffan. Etholiadau Rhennir awdurdodau lleol yn wardiau etholiadol. Ar gyfer ... leol. Mae’n hyrwyddo cydweithio a chydweithredu a datblygu polisi gwybodus. Mae rhai meysydd, fel system Treth y Cyngor, budd-daliadau, safonau masnach a’r heddlu, yn parhau i fod yn gyfrifoldebau llywodraeth

  9. Spring 2022 Newsletter v4.pdf

    issues such as electrical safety, health conditions related to cold homes, energy use, how heating systems work, and various money matters. The sessions can also cover the legal rights and responsibilities

  10. Autumn 2022 Newsletter WEL.pdf

    paratoi ar gyfer y cartref. Er enghraifft, mae’r canllaw’n egluro pwysigrwydd gwirio a gwasanaethu eich system wresogi er mwyn gwneud yn siŵr ei fod yn gweithio’n ddiogel ac yn effeithlon erbyn y gaeaf. Mae’r

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