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  1. Contact Age Cymru

    the different ways you can contact Age Cymru, whether it's to get inforamtion and advice on money or care, ask about donations or something else.

  2. Profiadau presennol pandemig Covid 19 pobl 50 oed a throsodd yng Nghymru, a safbwyntiau ar y flwyddyn i ddod - Mehefin 2022.pdf

    Creu Cymru oed gyfeillgar Profiadau presennol pandemig Covid-19 pobl 50 oed a throsodd yng Nghymru, a safbwyntiau ar y flwyddyn i ddod Mehefin 2022 Dyfyniad Page Yr ymchwil 3 Profiadau cyfredol o bandemig ... flwyddyn sydd i ddod 35 3. Ail-ymgysylltu â’r gymuned 37 4. Cyllid yn y dyfodol 39 Profiadau presennol pandemig Covid-19 pobl 50 oed a throsodd 2 yng Nghymru, a safbwyntiau ar y flwyddyn i ddod - Mehefin

  3. 2024- Why are we waiting Report v2.pdf

    Why are we still waiting? Delays in social care in Wales September 2024 Contents Executive Summary 3 1. Introduction 5 2. Purpose of the research 6 3. Method 7 4. Findings 8 Data collection 8 Views ... 11 Waits for care to be in place 13 Local authority improvement measures 16 Communications 17 5. Addressing the issues 18 Increasing community resilience – micro enterprises, low level care and edge of

  4. 17012023 - Duty of Quality - Age Cymru response.pdf

    Government January 2023 Question 1 Is the Guidance clear on what we are trying to achieve with NHS bodies through the introduction of the Duty of Quality? - Yes The guidance is clear in setting out the intentions ... welcome them. As the most frequent users of the NHS and social care, older people have a strong interest in ensuring that the duty of quality is met by NHS bodies and Welsh Ministers. Wales has the oldest

  5. Director recruitment pack.pdf

    your interest in being a non-executive Director of Age Cymru Enterprises. I hope that you will find this pack informative and useful in supporting your decision to apply. Age Cymru is the leading charity ... older people in Wales, working in partnership with a range of trusted local partners, delivering both nationally and locally. Age Cymru Enterprises is a wholly owned subsidiary of Age Cymru. The charity

  6. RB_June14_Generation_R_Research.pdf

    sound evidence for the Age UK Group. It provides novel insights into older people’s issues, providing a mandate of evidence for all that Age UK does. It also develops thought leadership for the future direction ... direction of Age UK’s Charity, analysing trends and the latest developments in research. Finally, it plays a key role in knowledge transfer, translating research findings to create positive impact in the lives

  7. Fundraising promise

    Age Cymru is registered with the Fundraising Regulator, the independent body which sets and maintains the standards for charitable fundraising in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

  8. IG48.pdf

    AgeUKIG48 From concerns and diagnosis to support and future care. Living with dementia. 2 We’d love to hear from you. 1) Join our Readers’ Panel. Have your say and be involved in updating our guides by ... Age UK and contains general advice only, it should not be relied on as a basis for any decision or action and cannot be used as a substitute for professional advice. Neither Age UK nor any of its subsidiary

  9. CRS_June14_Freedom_choice_in_pensions.pdf UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House 1-6 ... March 2014 Budget to increase the choice and flexibility available to individuals when they come to access their defined contribution pension savings. From April 2015 there will no longer be a requirement

  10. Which exercise might suit you?

    Different activities bring a different range of benefits, so try a variety of things. Finding something you enjoy means you’re more likely to do it regularly.

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