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  1. CRS_June14_Employment_support_for_unemployed_older_people.pdf

    t o d o t h eir b a n kin g in a c e r t ain w a y a n d w h e n t h e y g o o n t o benefits they want to keep that process going and often they get to a point where their finances are very chaotic .” ... had had a huge impact on her life; at one point she did not want to leave the house without assistance: 46 "Well it got me as I didn't want to go out anywhere and with the condition I was going dizzy

  2. RB_July15_Dementia_friendly_resources_guide.pdf

    accessible, as well as providing references for further help and reading. 5 Tips for employers who want to be more dementia friendly: Dementia-awareness across staff and volunteer groups Tips and perspectives ... ide-Consulting-aboutwritten-documents.pdf and Collecting the views of people with dementia If you want to find out what people with dementia think about a new piece of written work, or perhaps about a

  3. CRS_Oct17_WP_Committee_Pension_Freedoms.pdf

    they either had a Pension Wise appointment, took regulated advice, or actively decided they did not want either. This would encourage more people to take guidance and at least find out their options before ... competition. 2.18 People with smaller pots (and often but not always lower incomesxi) do appear to want drawdown-type products. The absence of suitable products for smaller savers seems to be contributing

  4. CRS_Feb12_Consultationresponse_Transport_CPF.pdf

    Greener Wiser Manifestoxii, written by a Taskforce of older people, stated that people in later life want a much greater role in decision making about the environment and issues that affect their communities ... young families, yet there is little consideration beyond the realms of social care for the needs and wants of older people in the city.”xiv This cannot be fixed by focusing on the local economy alone. Local

  5. CRS_Jan17_CMA_Market_Study_of_Care_Homes_Statement_of_Scope.pdf

    problem at source by using powers under Unfair Terms or Unfair Trading regulations.  The CMA may want to consider whether provider bodies should be more transparent about what happens if someone runs ... evicted if they under-estimate their longevity or care needs and run out of money. 6 The CMA may want to consider whether provider bodies should be more transparent about what happens if someone runs

  6. Envisage 2017 E.pdf

    reached the point where she is being prescribed medication for depression, but she says she does not want pills, only company. A similar story was told to us by Mrs J, aged 60, who also lives alone in a large ... feels she simply has to keep him well, stating “He understands me and I understand him and I don’t want to imagine life without him – who will I speak to? These four walls?” There are also those who experience

  7. FS38w.pdf

    40 13 Deferred payment agreements – for people who are unable, or do not want, to sell their property to release capital to pay their care home fees ... change in the person’s financial circumstances. In deciding whether to do so, the local authority will want to consider the individual circumstances of the case. Such circumstances might include a fall in share

  8. IG53.pdf

    a benefits check. In Wales, visit your local Age Cymru. • If you have a private pension and you want to buy an annuity, make sure you shop around to find the best one for you. You don’t have to buy it ... subsidiary companies and charities form the Age UK Group. ID205475 04/24 What should I do now? You may want to read some of our relevant information guides and factsheets, such as: • More money in your pocket

  9. FS12.pdf

    before going for any other option. Different types of annuity offer you different choices: ⚫ Do you want a policy covering only you (a single life annuity) or one that pays out to your spouse or civil partner ... entire amount to the survivor. This affects the starting level of the amount you receive. ⚫ Do you want a fixed rate for life (starts at a higher amount but loses real value against inflation over time)

  10. CRS_Sept15_Gender_pay_gap.pdf

    parents to remain in or return to work, increased support should be made available for all carers who want to stay in or return to the workplace, whoever they are caring for 6 and whatever stage they are ... flexible working.”xxiii 3.14. However, according to research by the TUC, two fifths of women over 50 wanted to work fewer hoursxxiv but anecdotal evidence suggests that workers face difficulties negotiating

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