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  1. Age Cymru Emotional health and wellbeing leaflet.pdf

    events and the feelings often fade. Episodes of depression can be triggered off by stressful events. If you’re feeling depressed then you’re likely to be experiencing more intense, persistent feelings such ... sadness and helplessness. You may also have physical symptoms such as sleeplessness or low energy levels. If these symptoms persist for weeks and stop you functioning normally, then you may have clinical depression

  2. RB_Sept16_After_the_Referendum.pdf

    protected by the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. However, they would be affected if they could no longer rely on the European Charter of Fundamental Rights (CFR) which in particular includes ... existing Disability Discrimination Act was also replaced and strengthened by the Equality Act. However, if EU legislation were to be removed or disapplied there would be nothing to prevent a future Government

  3. RB_June11_the_way_we_pay.pdf

    has received many letters and calls from older people concerned about how they would pay for things if cheques were withdrawn. It is also a major issue with older people in discussion with our local forums ... received numerous letters and calls from older people worried about how they will pay for things they need if cheques are withdrawn. However, as yet, the Government has not explicitly recognised payment services

  4. RB_May13_Computers_and_the_internet.pdf

    courses A majority of those interviewed had not actively been seeking information about courses even if there had been a self-identified need or curiosity to learn more about the internet lying dormant for ... pursuing although this wasn’t perceived to be long and generally people knew they would pursue it even if there was a short delay. In occasional cases, personal problems and delays in having access to the

  5. CRS_Sept15_Strengthening_incentive_to_save.pdf

    reliant on trust in future governments not to remove the exemption from income tax for future pensions. If this were to happen, it would be likely to lead to a mass exodus from pension saving. o The complexity ... helping boost understanding of and engagement in pension saving.  Employer buy-in is important, and National Insurance relief for employer contributions should be protected. 3 1. Introduction Age UK

  6. Volunteer roles face to face.pdf

    they need to do so – Allowing time for a break if necessary – Attending training and information sessions as required – Advising the Volunteer Coordinator if there are concerns about the running of the Club ... contribute and that they are allowed the time they need to do so – Allowing time for a break if necessary – If possible, involving participants in decision-making regarding the content of sessions – Attending

  7. Transport policy statement - January 2022.pdf

    form of independent transport, including older people that may experience mobility issues, or for carers, and for those living in rural areas where public transport is sparse. Continuing to drive may be ... form of independent transport, including older people that may experience mobility issues, or for carers, and for those living in rural areas where public transport is sparse. Continuing to drive may be

  8. CRS_Oct16_NEST_Evolving_for_the_future.pdf

    Work and Pensions consultation looks at the potential benefits and feasibility for the National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) to expand its remit to offer products to consumers in the retirement income ... Doing so will expose many savers to undue risk while they wait for the market to develop new products, if indeed it ever does. At present we do not believe the market is delivering for typical NEST clients

  9. CRS_June16_BIS_consumer_landscape_and_quicker_switching.pdf

    with the current provision and routes to advice and information for consumers in these sectors? Q2. If yes, what are these problems and how can provision be improved? 9. Specialist advice and advocacy is ... in these sectors? Q4. If yes, what are these problems and how can it be improved? 15. Although centralised consumer representation may have attractions, it is only effective if it is properly resourced

  10. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2015_2016.pdf

    was the same question about how charities raise money: should a charity raise money by trading and, if it does, what should be the principles of that activity? This is an important question not only for ... otherwise. This mix of income enabled us to spend £80.8 million on charitable activity, much more than if we had relied upon fundraising alone. At times it has been a difficult year for our sector and for

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