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  1. FS41w - Welsh.pdf

    parhau, gostwng neu dynnu cymorth yn ôl 39 10 Sut a ble fydd y gwasanaethau gofal yn cael eu darparu? 40 10.1 Gwasanaethau gofal neu gymorth yn eich cartref eich hun / gwasanaethau dibreswyl eraill 41 10 ... angenrheidiol yn eu lle yn gyntaf; yna gellir cynnal asesiad llawn 40 Yr un peth 41 Deddf Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Llesiant (Cymru) 2014: Offeryn Asesu a Chymhwyster

  2. IG31w.pdf

    Yr enw ar hyn yw’r band cyfradd dim. Fodd bynnag, mae Treth Etifeddu’n cael ei thalu ar gyfradd o 40% ar gyfran eich ystâd sydd wedi’i phrisio uwchlaw’r band cyfradd dim. Os byddwch yn gadael eich eiddo

  3. IG24.pdf

    ages. General health. You’ll be invited for a free NHS Health Check every 5 years if you’re between 40 and 74 years of age and don’t already have certain health conditions. Vaccinations. You might want

  4. IG31.pdf

    first £325,000 of your estate. This is called the ‘nil-rate band’. However, IHT is paid at a rate of 40% on the proportion of your estate valued above the nil-rate band. If you leave your home or other property

  5. FS7.pdf

    affairs) and probate cannot be granted without the will. 10 Taxes on your death Inheritance Tax (IHT) of 40 per cent is payable if your estate is worth more than the IHT threshold. Assets passing to your spouse

  6. FS91.pdf

    residential care, or you may need these services in the future. For more information, see factsheet 40, Deprivation of assets in social care. In Wales, see Age Cymru factsheet 40w, Deprivation of assets

  7. Parliamentary Review into Health and Social Care in Wales - April 2017.pdf

    health and social care services that put the needs of the individual at the heart of all decisions. 40. Creating consistent partnership working across the NHS, local government and the third sector has

  8. CRS_Nov17_DfT_accessibility_action_plan.pdf

    given the inconvenience and dangers of pavement parking for users of wheelchairs and scooters. Action 40: In 2017, we will commission research to further understand the barriers to travel for individuals

  9. IG10.pdf

    offers information and advice on volunteering opportunities in Wales. 40 41 † The Age UK network includes the charity, its trading companies and national partners (Cymru, Scotland

  10. FS65.pdf

    fees can be affected, so discuss this with your financial adviser. For more information, see factsheet 40, Deprivation of assets in social care. In Wales, see Age Cymru factsheet 40w, Deprivation of assets

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