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  1. RB_Sept16_After_the_Referendum.pdf

    protection legislation is derived from the EU - the Consumer Rights Act 2015 is an example. The existing system, based on laws, codes and consumer rights is likely to remain unchanged, unless abrogated by Parliament

  2. RB_June11_job_blocking_briefing.pdf

    that youth unemployment rates are attributable to many factors, such as how effective the education system is at making people work-ready, the nature of some labour market institutions (for example unemployment

  3. Age Cymru - I and A Info Catalogue - English lang.pdf

    installing insulation and draught-proofing, and how to get help with the costs. Tax guide The tax system can be complicated and nobody wants to pay more tax than they have to. Being able to spot whether

  4. Independent Professional Advocacy presentation.pdf

    independence? 19 Standing beside someone Preparation and support in meetings A window into closed systems Challenging assumptions, discrimination and injustice Person as expert To advocate or not to advocate:

  5. Newsletter Nov 2020 WELSH v2.pdf

    ar debygolrwydd unigolyn i elwa ac nid ei oedran yn unig. 2/ Talu am Ofal – sicrhau bod gan Gymru system gofal cymdeithasol sy’n addas i’r diben, sy’n diwallu anghenion pobl hŷn, ac nad yw’n cosbi’n ariannol

  6. RB_jun17_making_intergenerational_connections.pdf

    McKenna, 2006) refers to contact between members of different groups via a computer-based communication system. For example, studies testing contact via email and Facebook have shown that virtual contact also ... suggests that good quality communication between grandchildren and grandparents are part of the same system of attitudes and behavior that connects intergenerational contact to attitudes towards older adults

  7. Covid Survey Report - Welsh.pdf

    mynediad at feddyg teulu imi fy hunan a’r unigolyn rwy’n gofalu amdano wedi bod yn anodd iawn! Mae’r system ar-lein yn amhriodol i’r rhan fwyaf o bethau - ac yn dweud wrthych am gysylltu â’r feddygfa, sy’n ... ddechrau ddydd Llun a gorffen ddydd Iau. Mae’r apwyntiad nesaf sydd ar gael imi ymhen 3 wythnos. Mae’r system gyfan o dan bwysau aruthrol. Mae’n anodd cael gafael ar rai o fy meddyginiaethau ac yn aml rwy’n

  8. What matters to you - Current experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales - October 2023.pdf

    experiences older people told us of were with 8am calls to ‘first come, first served’ appointment systems in the hope of getting an appointment. “Difficult to get GP appointments when needed, if you don’t ... due to my mobility issues and their lift is out of order.” Some told us of difficulties in online systems not being sufficiently detailed to cope with complex health care needs. “I have been able to access

  9. fftf extension project-Final Evaluation Report (July 2015) docx.pdf

    funded, will have effect on health (HCP, West Cumbria). In terms of the wider health and social care system, both HCP interviewees suggested that joined up working with Third Sector organisations such as Age ... enable older people to remain independent and reduce the cost of LTCs to the health and social care system. One important aspect of this preventative work focussed on falls. Older people were asked if they

  10. Safeguarding policy statement - June 2017.pdf

    meaningful response to the clear lessons which have been learnt from the exposure of failures in the system - most recently the Flynn Review12 [a review of the neglect of older people living in care homes ... from abuse and neglect.42 The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 creates a new legal system for social services. The Act strengthens safeguarding arrangements for both children and adults in

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