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  1. Community Calculator - Welsh.pdf

    • Diffyg lleoedd a chyfleusterau i bobl hŷn gwrdd • Angen hyrwyddo gweithgareddau yn well. 13 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Number of respondents Information and advice Excellent 9-10 Good 7-8 Fair 4-6

  2. Age Cymru English - Evaluation report.pdf

    (3.7). 20 Figure 2: Shows the frequency of residents attending each number of sessions. 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 number of sessions frequency 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 21 There were two objectives for the evaluation ... artist practitioners to propose a Roald Dahl-themed cARTrefu residency to link with their Roald Dahl 100 celebrations. The successful artists were teamed up with a Literature Wales writer to deliver a joint

  3. FS43.pdf

    Monthly disposable income Amount of capital disregarded £0–25 £100,000 £26–50 £90,000 £51–75 £80,000 £76–100 £70,000 £101–125 £60,000 £126–150 £50,000 £151–175 £40,000 £176–200 £30,000 £201–225 £20,000 £226–315

  4. IG08.pdf

    Retirement villages. Retirement villages are fairly new in the UK. They’re large schemes of usually 100 or more homes with a range of facilities on hand such as gyms and swimming pools – and they often provide

  5. RB_April15_Only_the_tip_of_the_iceberg.pdf

    individuals are being proceeded against for cyber offences under other Acts such as the Fraud Act …’ 100 From the point of view of the Information Commissioner: ‘Computer scams may involve someone trying ... cations/consumer-protectionguidance-on-the-cmas-approach-touse-of-its-consumer-powers 99 Ibid. 100 Cyber crime: A review of the evidence, Home Office research report 75, McGuire, M and Dowling, S, 2013

  6. ageukig51_thinking_about_end_of_life_inf.pdf

    beliefs and values • who you want to be consulted about your care • who you would like to visit you • foods you do and don’t like. Although it’s not legally binding, it’s a good idea to give a copy to all those

  7. Human Rights Toolkits V8.pdf

    to be free of serious mistreatment and neglect in a hospital or care home, and the right to regular food and drink • You have the right to not being restrained for long periods of time • You should not have

  8. FS27.pdf

    venue or have something at home? Will you use a caterer or are family and friends willing to bring food? Do you want to offer alcohol? ⚫ Do you want a memorial in the garden of remembrance or to have your

  9. IG48.pdf

    you’d like to be looked after and cared for in the future. For example, you can outline what kind of food you like to eat, what sort of music you like to listen to, how your spiritual needs should be met

  10. RB_Oct16_Hidden_in_plain_sight_older_peoples_mental_health.pdf

    bed hospital, 330 beds will be occupied by older people, of whom 220 will have a mental disorder, 100 each will have dementia and depression and 66 will have delirium.14 Mental health conditions in older

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