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  1. Nordic Walking

    physical activity for a while, you may want to get the all clear from the doctor before starting. Always work at a suitable pace for you. For information on walks taking place in your local area please contact

  2. RB_June15_Lonelines_in_later_life_evidence_review.pdf

    ...................................................................................... 9 5 What works? ................................................................................................ ... cooperation is needed to improve survival, and this requires trust, communication, planning, and working together.36 Thus, loneliness may be essential for species survival, because like thirst and hunger

  3. RB_July15_Age_UK_loneliness_risk_index_summary.pdf

    the overall picture – the basis of all the subsequent statistical data – is totally wrong. For this work, we are looking for risk of being lonely in later life (aged 65 or over), both for the individual ... their individual effect on the overall score (i.e. weighted them by their relative importance) and worked out the risk odds for each factor. What is the recipe for loneliness in later life? Loneliness:

  4. ID204744 Jingle Bakes_recipes.pdf

    temperature  80g icing sugar mixture  80ml honey  300g plain flour, sifted, plus extra for dusting your work surface  40g self-raising flour, sifted  2 tbsp milk For the decoration:  Icing for decoration ... charity number: 1128436 Mince pies For the pastry:  350g plain flour, plus extra for dusting your work surface  225g unsalted butter, cold and cubed  A pinch of salt  1 egg, beaten  Zest of 1

  5. 20200703 Friends In Need Funding Allocation v4 - website.pdf

    informal volunteers and to develop a volunteer led telephone befriending service that will complement the work of the informal volunteers. In addition, Welsh Government has provided additional funds to be distributed ... not limited to) providing training for volunteers, increasing capacity for existing programmes of work, supporting the development of digital skills to increase inclusions. Age Cymru will be responsible

  6. About HOPE

    their areas. We don’t want to duplicate existing services but rather we want to make sure we work with and complement the existing advocacy providers and forums across Wales. HOPE identifies and supports ... when will the project be delivering its services? This is a Wales-wide project but we’ll be working across regions with regional staff in place. Who are the project partners? Age Cymru Age Cymru Dyfed

  7. What do executors do

    When you make a will, you need to choose your executor(s). Being an executor can involve a lot of work and responsibility, so think carefully about who you choose. Explain what’s involved and check that ... paid distributing the estate according to the will. You can claim expenses from the estate for this work. To find out more about your responsibilities as an executor, read our free leaflet and factsheet

  8. Save the winter fuel payment

    expected to have this money in their pockets this year. There simply isn’t long enough for many to work out another plan. We want the UK Government to halt their proposed change to the Winter Fuel Payment ... petition to save the Winter Fuel Payment If you'd like to get more involved in the campaign, we are working with Age UK on campaigner packs which set out what you can do to help Campaigner Pack – Wales

  9. FS61w.pdf

    people with a learning disability;  healthcare workers with direct patient contact and staff providing frontline NHS/Primary care services;  staff providing homecare services, or working in care homes ... have been offered to the following people:  residents in a care home for older adults;  staff working in care homes for older adults;  frontline health and social care workers;  all adults aged 50

  10. IG47.pdf

    for. Sometimes, people want to help but aren’t sure how – so telling them what would be useful can work well. If you care for someone from a distance, perhaps their neighbours or local friends could step ... information about this on page 37. 7 Options if you’re working. If you’re juggling work and caring, you could consider requesting flexible working from your employer. Your employer doesn’t have to agree

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