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  1. Age Cymru written submission following oral evidence session on Care Home Commissioning.pdf

    evidence session – Care Home Commissioning. 1. Whether, overall, Age Cymru is confident that the Welsh Government is moving in the right direction, and quickly enough, with its policy reform to address the longstanding ... care home commissioning that the Auditor General has highlighted. Age Cymru believes that Welsh Government is moving in the right direction to address care home commissioning issues. The direction of travel

  2. RB_July15_Researching_Age-Friendly_Communities.pdf

    people, improving their quality of life, their independence and their influence on decisions made by government. 10 11 It is fitting to mention some examples from the WHO-affiliated UK Agefriendly city network ... (inter)national organisations wishing to research and provide advocacy to older people Ü Non-government organisations and government departments seeking to research older people’s experiences of living in the city

  3. Safe_to_be_me.pdf

    the Human Rights Act applies to all registered care providers, not only services provided by public bodies). Some of the ways in which the Act is particularly relevant to LGBT rights are: • Human rights legislation ... the trans person enhanced privacy rights – this means that great care must be taken by all official bodies to ensure they do not disclose that the person is trans without their express permission. Section

  4. Cost of caring for an ageing population - January 2018.pdf

    November 20166). 7. In order to maintain the cost of caring at a manageable level, the Welsh Government must ensure that older people in every part of Wales can access effective hospital discharge programmes ... NHS and the social care system can only continue to grow. 10. Age Cymru believes that the Welsh Government must make greater provision for older carers across Wales in order to ensure they achieve an acceptable

  5. CRS_March15_Care_Act_guidance_older_people_voices.pdf

    part in consultation events around the country between January and February 2015 to discuss the Government’s proposals for a cap on an individual’s costs for social care. Nine consultation events in total ... NHS. Many were shocked to learn this was not the case The view was expressed by some that the Government had been less than fully up front about the proposals, leaving unchallenged the implication that

  6. Joe Powell.pdf

    (self-advocacy in house) • Uncertainty amongst other groups • AWPF actions • Local Authority vs Welsh Government • Brexit Why should a local authority fund self advocacy? • It gives

  7. Age Cymru Response - Costofcaringforanageingpopulation.pdf

    November 20166). 7. In order to maintain the cost of caring at a manageable level, the Welsh Government must ensure that older people in every part of Wales can access effective hospital discharge programmes ... NHS and the social care system can only continue to grow. 10. Age Cymru believes that the Welsh Government must make greater provision for older carers across Wales in order to ensure they achieve an acceptable

  8. Welsh Transport Appraisal Guidance - February 2017.pdf

    to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We are pleased to respond to the Welsh Government’s consultation on Welsh Transport Appraisal Guidance. Comments Transport is a crucial factor in

  9. RB_July15_How to make your Age UK dementia friendly.pdf

    though there are many other types of dementia including vascular dementia and dementia with lewy bodies. Dementia can cause a range of problems, most commonly people find difficulties with: • memory • ... community-centred approaches for health and wellbeing – NHS England, Public Health England 2015: uploads/attachment_data/file/402889/A_ guide_to_community-centred_approaches_

  10. 20190514 access to banking services in Wales.pdf

    basic bank accounts held with high-street banks and building societies should be mandated by the UK Government. Personal cheques Personal cheques remain a much valued form of payment for many older people ... of cheques and other popular and accessible payment methods. Credit unions In Wales, the Welsh Government has been promoting the development of credit unions, which offer ethical savings and borrowing

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