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  1. Falls prevention

    assessment. This could include checking your eyesight, investigating any continence problems, checking your home for potential hazards and/or attending an exercise class to improve your strength and balance.  ... Also, our following information resources may be helpful: Information Guide 14: Staying Steady Information Guide 24: Healthy Living Information Leaflet 7: Home safety checker For more information call Age

  2. annual_review_2012_2013.pdf

    International to fund programmes in more than 40 developing countries. Like most in the charity sector, we faced a tough economic climate in 2012–13. But despite a 5.2 per cent drop in income, we reduced our charitable ... of ways, including putting £145 million of unclaimed benefits in older people’s pockets. We also helped 850,000 older people in developing countries to receive 1.8 million services. As well as telling

  3. Moving in with family

    of care will you need and who will be able to provide this for you? Will the home need to be adapted? Will you pay rent or help towards bills? If your family members are claiming benefits, will these be ... move into a care home? If you invest in your relatives’ property, or purchase a property jointly, there may be implications if you have to be means-tested for assistance with care home fees in the future

  4. report_of_trustees_and_annual_accounts_2016_2017.pdf

    subsidiary charities and trading companies are all dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. We are national In the UK, we help over 7 million people every year, providing support, companionship ... 2016/17 How we work Age UK’s high-level objectives Our ambitions • Achieving our charitable purpose to help more people to love later life • Engaging with our audiences; reaching more people and improving their

  5. 20190830 Together for Mental Health delivery plan consultation response.pdf

    targeted at younger ages. The National Survey for Wales showed that twenty-four percent of adults aged 55-64 reported drinking above weekly guidelines. The proportion of adults who reported doing at least ... decreased with age thereafter; rates of inactivity were highest among older adults.3 Older people can face a number of barriers that affect their ability to make, or access, healthier lifestyle choices. These

  6. RB_May14_CPA_Changing_family_structures.pdf

    the care of older people.      Summary    Families in the UK are changing. This brief review looks at how changing family structures will influence the supply and demand for formal and informal care  by older people ...  increases the availability of spouses as carers.    • Increased divorce rates, particularly among the over 60s, may help to increase the number of older people living alone  and weaken relationships  between parents and children

  7. RB_Aug13_Later_Life_in_Rural_England.pdf

    Scotland, Age NI, Age Cymru and the many local Age UKs and older people’s groups. We provide services at a local and national level including information and advice that reaches some 6 million people each ... communities to learn from them. There can be a strong sense of community spirit in rural communities, at the heart of which are the many older people who volunteer and who are the primary users, supporters

  8. FAW 2019. Prevent a fall - Take Action Today-Wel.pdf

    (Os nad yn broblem feddygol) • Gofyn iddynt ganolbwyntio ar pam, ble a beth allai fod wedi cyfrannu at eu cwympiad • Trafod camau y gallant eu cymryd i ostwng y risg o gwympo • Rhoi dalen wybodaeth Gweithredwch ... eich helpu i ymdopi’n dda? • Awgrymu eu bod yn cysylltu â Gofal a Thrwsio ar 0300 111 333 i gael help a chymorth am ddim i addasu eu cartref. Cryfder A Chydbwysedd Hanes o gwympo Amgylchedd Rhoi 2 funud

  9. Friends - Update registration.docx

    ‘Friends’ update registration formRegister here for updates and further inf ormation to help you as a ‘Friend’. Name / EnwAge / OedEmail address /Cyfeiriad e-bost:Address / CyfeiriadPosdt code / Cod ... from us, please tick or circle - by post [  ] email [  ] telephone [  ] all [  ] You can unsubscribe at any time. Call 029 2043 1555 email or tick / circle this box [  ]Your

  10. RB_March16_Behind_the_Headlines_Hospital_Discharge.pdf

    ‘choosing’ to remain in hospital, thereby denying hospital care to others who are in greater need. However, at Age UK we simply do not believe that the problem of older people and families staying in hospital longer ... is anything like as simple as it is sometimes painted, or that older people and families are usually at fault when their discharges are delayed. This short report explains why we take that view. There

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