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  1. IG32.pdf

    when you can. The charity Mind (page 29) gives practical tips on how to improve sleep on its website. Food and drink It might be the last thing on your mind, but try to eat and drink regularly. Even if you’ve

  2. RB_Aug14_Living_life_with_dementia.pdf

    digital inclusion and social interaction. Healthy eating sessions introduce older people to healthy foods that they may not have tried before. Gentle exercise helps strengthen muscles and creates that ‘feel ... Street Community Centre. A freshly cooked halal or vegetarian meal is provided at lunchtime made from food stocks purchased from local reputable halal suppliers. A wide range of therapeutic and stimulating

  3. envisage15_English.pdf

    RHA Wales, South Wales Police, Coleg y Cymoedd, Kingspan, Wales & West Utilities, Castell Howell Foods, Gower College Swansea, Dŵr Cymru, and Monmouthshire Building Society – are already taking action ... the charity. PRIME Cymru currently offers a range of free qualifications such as Health & Safety and Food Hygiene to boost skills and self-belief. In response to the current climate, we’ve introduced a ‘New

  4. envisage15_English.pdf

    RHA Wales, South Wales Police, Coleg y Cymoedd, Kingspan, Wales & West Utilities, Castell Howell Foods, Gower College Swansea, Dŵr Cymru, and Monmouthshire Building Society – are already taking action ... the charity. PRIME Cymru currently offers a range of free qualifications such as Health & Safety and Food Hygiene to boost skills and self-belief. In response to the current climate, we’ve introduced a ‘New

  5. FS20w.pdf

    used to prevent any skin/pressure damage.  She had a good appetite but required staff to cut up her food and on occasions required some assistance [to eat]. She was able to drink from a beaker, without prompting ... social care needs”. This could include equipment provision and help with daily domestic tasks, such as food preparation, shopping or washing up. Note: There is, however, a range of everyday household costs

  6. EnvisAGE14_cymraeg_web.pdf

    at ddibenion cynllunio, mae Gweinyddiaeth Iechyd, Llafur a Lles Japan bellach yn derbyn bod ‘bywyd 100 mlynedd’ yn norm. Os byddwn ni oll yn byw bywyd hirach, mae angen i ni feddwl yn ofalus am sut byddwn ... In: Walker, A. (ed) Understanding quality of life in old age. Open University Press, Buckingham, pp 100–116 Victor, C. R., Scambler, S., Shah, S., Cook, D. G., Harris, T., Rink, E., and de Wilde, S. (2002)

  7. IG01.pdf

    they could be? Bulbs are now measured in lumens rather than watts (1,500 lumens is the same as about 100 watts). To see if there’s a Home Improvement Agency in the area that can improve your lighting, contact ... check to see if your debit card provider offers any protection. If your purchase costs more than £100 and you use a credit card, the seller and your card company are equally responsible if anything goes

  8. FS17.pdf

    and caretaking services; and TV and radio relay charges. Some charges are not eligible, including food/meals; support charges; medical or nursing care; personal laundry services; leisure facilities; transport;

  9. IG51.pdf

    beliefs and values • who you want to be consulted about your care • who you’d like to visit you • foods you like and dislike. It’s a good idea to give a copy to all those involved in your care, especially

  10. Profiadau pobl 50 oed a hŷn yng Nghymru yn ystod cyfnod clo cyntaf Covid 19, a’u hadferiad Hydref 2020.pdf

    mewn cartref gofal preswyl, neu yn yr ysbyty. ‘Y peth gwaethaf yw peidio â gallu gweld fy mam sy’n 100 oed, a hithau mewn cartref nyrsio’ Benyw, 55-59 oed, Conwy Cafodd pobl hŷn eraill hi’n anodd oherwydd

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