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  1. Karen Wakelin Sharon Cole.pdf

    Specific unit on supporting adults or children and young people to access advocacy • Included in other practice units e.g. working with children and young people who are looked after • Specific unit in the ... Capacity Act • Understand the Mental Health Act • Understand legislation that relates to children and young people • Understand the Social Services and Well-Being (Wales) Act • Understand the Regulation and

  2. Envisage 2017 E.pdf

    minority community Mobility/ functional impairments* Disability* Being a carer Poor health Depression Onset of illness Cognitive impairment* Sensory impairment Dual sensory impairment Widowhood/ bereavement ... hard to do especially when people are working and you’re out and about – it’s not too bad if you’re young, but when you get older you end up being more and more isolated on your own. This has given us a focus

  3. Later_Life_UK_factsheet.pdf

    nearly twelve times as much on cancer research than it does on researching dementia.193  Delaying the onset of dementia by five years would halve the number of deaths from the condition, saving 30,000 lives ... November 2017 13  Recent studies suggest that becoming bilingual, even in later life, may delay the onset of dementia by up to 4.5 years.198 Loneliness & isolation (Updated December 2017)  Loneliness can

  4. RB_Oct14_NHS_Five_Year_Forward_View.pdf

    amongst poorer people. There are now over 3,000 alcohol-related admissions to A&E every day. Our young people have the highest consumption of sugary soft drinks in Europe. So for all of these major health ... the Care Act, and especially helping the most vulnerable amongst them – the approximately 225,000 young carers and the 110,000 carers who are themselves aged over 85. This will include working with voluntary

  5. CRS_June14_Employment_support_for_unemployed_older_people.pdf

    handle mandated older jobseekers. 2.58 The 2008 improvement in performance, at the same time as the onset of the recession, is partly an artefact of the measure we have used. This compares jobs in a year ... group does, however, include young people who have been not in education, employment or training (NEET) before becoming 18, and it may be that greater priority is given to young unemployed than to older people

  6. RB_jun17_making_intergenerational_connections.pdf

    ‘the young’. The evidence has been disparate, however, and the whole notion of an age group comes with problems. How old do you have to be to be ‘old’? At what age does someone stop being ‘young’? Answers ... contact, and produces measureable benefits. The many benefits of good contact between old and young include better attitudes towards older people, less stereotyping and less anxiety about ageing. Some

  7. RB_Aug14_Living_life_with_dementia.pdf

    Centres – Age UK Blackburn and Darwen 17 2.2 Dementia Support Service – Age UK Lancashire 18 2.3 Young Dementia Group Workington – Age UK West Cumbria 19 3 I feel included as part of society. I know how ... form of suspected or diagnosed early/moderate stage dementia, including younger people with early onset dementia, can access this service. Age UK Lancashire works closely with partners in the statutory

  8. RB_Feb13_Understanding_the_oldest_old_Improving_Later_Life.pdf

    typified as much by continuity as it is by loss. If we want to have a good old age, we have to start young; that is, what is technically termed a life-course approach to ageing is required. 21 Learn from ... relatively fixed throughout our lives. Hence, if we want to have a good old age, we have to start young; that is, what is technically termed a life-course approach to ageing is required. What is striking

  9. envisage15_English.pdf

    get older, so it becomes easier to talk about it in a work context. “I was convinced I had early onset dementia when I first started experiencing symptoms of the peri-menopause, but I was suffering with ... previous have been continuing the recovery from the financial crash and real effort into protecting young people in the labour market. As the 2016 election approached we had the news of a threat to thousands

  10. envisage15_English.pdf

    get older, so it becomes easier to talk about it in a work context. “I was convinced I had early onset dementia when I first started experiencing symptoms of the peri-menopause, but I was suffering with ... previous have been continuing the recovery from the financial crash and real effort into protecting young people in the labour market. As the 2016 election approached we had the news of a threat to thousands

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