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  1. For The Moment - summary of findings from older carers

    Launched on Carers Rights Week 2021 , our Hidden Carers survey sought the views and input from older unpaid carers across Wales who were not in receipt of formal support.

  2. CRS_May14_Smith_Institute_Making_Work_Better.pdf

    Consultation Response Making work better Ref: 0714 Date: 30 May 2014 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes ... 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. This is Age UK’s response to the Smith Institute’s Making Work Better Inquiry. The inquiry aims to identify what can be done by different parties to improve job

  3. RB_March13_The_Work_Programme_and_older_jobseekers.pdf

    serious about extending working lives, it must make sure that everyone who wants to and is capable of working can do so, regardless of age. This includes ensuring that the Work Programme delivers for its ... its older participants. • The Work Programme has been less effective at helping the over 55s than younger age groups. • However, the Work Programme is a labour market tool which can be used to correct

  4. CRS_Feb17_Improving_lives_work_and_health_green_paper.pdf

    Improving lives: the work, health and disability Green Paper February 2017 Ref: 0817 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational ... to 80% of the non-disabled population, among those under State Pension age. This consultation looks at how the Government commitment to halve this gap can be achieved, including the role of employers, the

  5. How to find the help you need at home

    – as safely and comfortably as possible. When arranged by the local authority, social care services at home are often referred to as domiciliary, non-residential or community care services. A significant ... to a briefer information guide on this topic. Factsheet 6w: Finding help at home in Wales Information Guide 23: Getting help at home This factsheet explains what financial assistance may be available to

  6. CRS_Aug15_WP_Committee_Welfare_to_Work.pdf

    Work & Pensions Select Committee Inquiry Response Welfare to work Ref: 1915 August 2015 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational ... to face sessions. We work closely with Age UK Cymru, Age UK NI and Age UK Scotland. Key points and recommendations  With State Pension ages rising and more people needing to work for longer, it is inevitable

  7. CRS_Feb13_Work_and_Pensions_Committee_State_Pension_submission.pdf

    Consultation Response Age UK’s response to the Work and Pensions Committee’s examination of the Draft Pensions Bill in relation to the single-tier State Pension Ref: 0513 February 2013 ... will be achieved if it is set at £144 in today’s terms – just £1.30 over the basic Pension Credit level. With a pension based on 35 qualifying years and no derived rights it is essential that people are

  8. RB_Sept13_The_Work_Programme_and_older_jobseekers.pdf

    September 2013 1. Introduction Long-term unemployment, usually defined as over 12 months out of work, is one of the most serious problems facing the 50+ cohort in the modern labour market. Of all older ... to move back into work, often because of ageist attitudes by employers, a lack of high quality advice and guidance, and personal barriers (for example low levels of IT skills). The Work Programme is the

  9. RB_April17_Behind_the_Headlines_ hours_worked.pdf

    1 Behind the headlines: Why the employment rate does not tell the whole story about working longer April 2017 2 Contents Summary of findings................................................ ... that the number of hours worked on average has declined since then. However, the 2008 recession is not the cause of this – it is a longer-term trend. Our analysis looked at both employment rates and

  10. Age Cymru

    Age Cymru is the largest charity working with and for older people in Wales. Our vision is a society which offers all people in Wales the best experience of later life.

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