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  1. CRS_Feb16_Age_UKs_Evidence_to_the_Work_and_Pensions_Committee_Inquiry_into_intergenerational_fairness.pdf

    Evidence submission Age UK’s evidence to the Work and Pensions Committee’s Inquiry on Intergenerational Fairness February 2016 ... and our local partners for information and advice on a range of issues to do with later life. We work closely with Age Cymru, Age NI and Age Scotland. Summary and key points Although pensioner poverty

  2. CRS_Aug12_Age_UK_response_on_Universal_Credit _Work_and_Pensions_Committee.pdf

    1 Ref 2012 Age UK’s response to the Work and Pensions Committee’s inquiry into progress towards implementation of Universal Credit August 2012 Name: Sally West Email: ... Pentonville Road, London N1 9UZ. Consultation response 2 About this consultation This Inquiry by the Work and Pensions Select Committee is looking into progress towards the implementation of Universal Credit

  3. CRS_Nov15_Age_UK_submission_to_Work_and_Pensions_Committee_new_State_Pension_Inquiry.pdf

    Evidence submission Age UK’s evidence to the Work and Pensions Committee’s Inquiry into Understanding the new State Pension November 2015 Ref No. 4115 Age UK ... materials, and individual enquires by telephone, letter, email and local face-to-face sessions. We work closely with Age Cymru, Age NI and Age Scotland. Summary  Even if people are aware that the State

  4. CRS_Feb16_Work_and_Pensions_Committee_Inquiry_into_intergenerational_fairness.pdf

    Evidence submission Age UK’s evidence to the Work and Pensions Committee’s Inquiry on Intergenerational Fairness February 2016 ... and our local partners for information and advice on a range of issues to do with later life. We work closely with Age Cymru, Age NI and Age Scotland. Summary and key points Although pensioner poverty

  5. CRS_Sept15_Age_UK_submission_to_Work_and_Pensions_Committee_Inquiry_on_benefit_delivery.pdf

    Evidence submission Age UK evidence to the Work and Pensions Committee’s Inquiry into Benefit Delivery September 2015 Ref No. 4015 Age UK Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock ... materials, and individual enquires by telephone, letter, email and through face to face sessions. We work closely with Age Cymru, Age NI and Age Scotland. 2. We welcome the opportunity to respond to the

  6. State Pension

    There is a new State Pension for anyone who reaches State Pension age after 6 April 2016.

  7. Making a will

    If you want to be sure your wishes will be met after you die, then making a will is vital.

  8. National organisations for older people

    We work with a number of national older people’s organisations.

  9. Values and behaviours

    Our values support the way we do our work with and for older people in Wales

  10. Policy

    Find out more about the policy work we do with and for older people in Wales

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