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  1. 20190830 Together for Mental Health delivery plan consultation response.pdf

    1 Consultation Response Together for Mental Health Delivery Plan 2019-2022 The Welsh Government August 2019 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older ... strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We are pleased to respond to the Welsh Government’s consultation on the Together for Mental Health

  2. RB_Oct15_agenda_for_later_life_2015_summary.pdf

    Agenda for Later Life 2015: A great place to grow older Executive summary Age UK is the country’s largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. We provide services and support ... support at a national and local level to inspire, enable and support older people. We stand up and speak for all those who have reached later life, and also protect the long-term interests of future generations

  3. RB_Oct15_agenda_for_later_life_2015_full_report.pdf

    Agenda for Later Life 2015: A great place to grow older Contents Age UK is the country’s largest charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. We provide services and support at a ... a national and local level to inspire, enable and support older people. We stand up and speak for all those who have reached later life, and also protect the long-term interests of future generations. About

  4. v1.3a Determining need for advocacy - revised October 2017.docx

    Determining need for advocacy The decision making process for professionals exercising functions under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014.All references are to the Part 10 Code of Practice ... retaining, using or weighing relevant information, and difficulties in communicating their views, wishes and feelings (paras 55-60, 63).2A. If a person is assessed as experiencing one or more of these barriers

  5. CRS_Oct11_Strategic_Framework_for_Road_Safety.pdf

    into the Government’s Strategic Framework for Road Safety 20 October 2011 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper or parts of it for academic, educational or research purposes ... purposes or where the prior consent of Age UK has been obtained for influencing or developing policy and practice. Age UK is the new force combining Age Concern and Help the Aged. We are a national charity

  6. Hospital care for people with dementia - April 2019.pdf

    1 Consultation Response Inquiry into Hospital Care for People Living with Dementia National Assembly for Wales Cross-Party Group on Dementia April 2019 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity ... strong voice for all older people in Wales and to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We are pleased to respond to the Cross-Party Group on Dementia’s inquiry into hospital care for people

  7. RB_April17_Guidance--Sample_Size_Estimation_for_Qualitative_Methods.pdf

    Size for Qualitative Research ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The purpose of qualitative research methods is to look for meaning ... methods. The sample of people or situations required for qualitative research methods is therefore small in number (relative to the sample required for quantitative research methods) but includes the widest

  8. Falls Prevention Guide - for Carers-Welsh FINAL.pdf

    Care & Repair Cymru Canllawiau i Ofalwyr ar Gwympiadau Yn aml eu perthnasau neu ofalwyr anffurfiol fydd yn canfod pobl hŷn neubobl fregus sydd mewn risg o gwympo neu sydd eisoes wedi cwympo. Bydd eu cymorth i drin sefyllfaoedd neu atal cwympiad yn hollbwysig. Wyddech chi? • • Bod pobl hŷn sydd wedi cwympo ymhlith y tri phrif reswm pam y gelwir ambiwlans. • • Os ydych wedi cwympo

  9. CRS_Oct2011_Localising_support_for_council_tax_in_England.pdf

    1 Ref 5311 Age UK’s response to the consultation Localising Support for Council Tax in England October 2011 Name: Sally West Email: Age UK 1-6 Tavistock Square London ... Review the Government announced that it would localise support for council tax. The Welfare Reform Bill abolishes council tax and this Department for Communities and Local Government consultation paper sets

  10. RB_15_Age_Opportunity_Best_Practice_Guide_for_Recruiters.pdf

    Recruitment & Employment Confederation Age opportunity A best practice guide for recruiters An ageing population, the end of forced retirement and a rising State Pension age, mean there is a growing number ... crucial for employers as demand for skills and expertise grows. More information and guidance on recruiting and managing older workers: Guidance: Help and Support for Older Workers, Department for Work and

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