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  1. Tell Me More Summary Report - English.pdf

    affected us in many ways because it is so warm in our rooms, they have taken the fans away, and the windows are only allowed to be open 2 inches.’ Some residents told us that staff had left their jobs over ... told me he has been in touch with his family throughout and has been able to see them through the window. We heard from residents who told us their mental health had suffered because of the pandemic and

  2. FS2.pdf

    organisation 11 10.1.3 Service provision and cost 11 10.1.4 The scheme manager service 11 10.1.5 Repairs 11 10.1.6 Legal and contractual rights 11 10.1.7 Re-sale arrangements 11 10.2 ARCO Consumer Code 12 11 Transfer ... fee. As with service charges, the reasonableness of these fees can be challenged at Tribunal. Section 11 has information about ‘transfer fees’, which may be charged if you sell or sublet the property, or

  3. Seasonal Influenza (flu) vaccination

    after 1 September 2019 and on or before 31 August 2021 Children in secondary school from Year 7 to Year 11 (inclusive) Children and young people in the school age ranges above who are home schooled should be

  4. Discrimination and rights

    Find out your rights and how they can protect you from discrimination.

  5. Adapting your home

    Find out what types of home adaptations could help make your home life easier.

  6. Work for us

    Job vacancies for Age Cymru, the national charity for older people in Wales.

  7. About us

    Age Cymru is the national charity for older people in Wales. Formed by the merger of Age Concern Cymru and Help the Aged in Wales.

  8. flipbook tester


  9. Join us on our journey

    Signup to receive our age friendly Wales email updates.

  10. Age Positive Week - your event

    Tell us about your event or activity to celebrate Age Positive Week.

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