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  1. Take Action Today-table-English.pdf

    talking about this. Tell your GP who has good links with your local Falls Clinic or services that can offer a full exploration and assessment of your needs. Contact Care & Repair on 0300 111 3333 for advice ... available in your area to suit your needs and interests. Make an appointment with your GP. Your GP will be able to do a full assessment and discuss treatment options. Share any concerns with your GP who

  2. Ways we could work together

    Wales. For example, we can work together to benefit older people’s financial wellbeing (e.g., offer benefit checks, warm home and fuel poverty advice/support to those most in need). We can collaborate ... g., loneliness and social isolation, fraud and scams, and later life planning campaigns). We can offer support to your frontline staff serving older people (e.g., a priority referral service direct to

  3. Pension scams

    greater freedom in how they can access and use their pension pots. However, there are criminals who will try to take advantage of these options by tricking people into cashing in their pension and handing ... their money for them to invest. Here are some tips on how to keep your pension pot safe. Fraudsters will try different ways to persuade you to part with your pension cash - from promising opportunities that

  4. NHS GMS contracts - Age Cymru consultation response April 2023.pdf

    and delays and halting of ongoing health checks through the pandemic period. The changes proposed will help ease some of these issues. Historically, changes in contract arrangements can have unintended ... what changes are being made, why the changes are being made, and over how long a time period this will happen. Calls to our information and advice service frequently include reference to not being told

  5. GTAP Information leaflet ENGLISH.pdf

    address: Tŷ John Pathy, 13/14 Neptune Court, Vanguard Way, Cardiff CF24 5PJ. This national programme will: Support strategic health and social care management/commissioning teams and front line professionals ... to this is ensuring parity the Welsh Language in service planning and delivery (as per the” Active Offer” principle set out in “More than just Words”). Work with new and existing service providers to ensure

  6. Assist and Connect Volunteer Role Description.pdf

    friendship, conversation and support while also relieving isolation, worry and loneliness. Our volunteers offer support and practical help to local people in need of a little extra help. Our volunteer roles are ... and the needs of the older person. Some examples of the role responsibilities: • You may offer your time and company to somebody who might not have anyone else to assist them nearby • Going for

  7. Postal scams

    get more sophisticated, it can be difficult to spot the difference between scam mail, junk mail and offers from legitimate companies. Here are common types of postal scams you should be aware of and what ... scam. Pyramid schemes Pyramid schemes can take the form of chain letters or investment schemes that offer profits for little or no risk. You may be encouraged to send money to the person who has contacted

  8. The coronavirus vaccine (and booster doses)

    –  background information There was originally a universal 2 dose primary course of the vaccine offered from December 2020 to the whole population (aged over 5). This was ended by the Welsh Government ... people at higher risk The next COVID-19 booster vaccine programme will be rolled out between 1 April and 30 June 2024. The following people will be eligible to receive it: residents in a care home for older

  9. About our dementia advocacy project

    safeguarding solutions. The advocacy we offer will be independent of any other service people living with dementia use. This means the person with dementia will be at the heart of the decision making process ... service will provide support for people to: make changes and take control of their life feel more valued and included in their community be listened to and understood. People living with dementia will be more

  10. CRS_April14_Speeding_up_cheque_payments.pdf

    consulting on proposals to change legislation to allow cheques to be processed differently. The changes will require investment in systems which should allow cheques to be processed more quickly, facilitate ... Scotland, Age Cymru and Age NI. We run just over 450 Age UK charity shops throughout the UK and also offer a range of commercial products tailored to older people. Age UK also advocates for older consumers

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