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People also search for: trust will, will fraud, age at work

  1. Adapting your home

    Find out what types of home adaptations could help make your home life easier.

  2. Legal issues

    Information on legal issues including wills and what to do when someone dies.

  3. How to challenge a benefit decision

    Information about what procedures to take if you dispute the decision made about your benefits entitlement

  4. Information for carers (if you help a relative or friend)

    Read information on what you can do to help a loved one.

  5. What we do

    Age Cymru is the national charity for older people in Wales.

  6. What matters to you

    This is Age Cymru’s fifth annual survey undertaken in partnership with the four national older people’s organisations.

  7. Glossary of online terms

    Baffled by browsers? Vexed by viruses? Our glossary of online terms explains what they mean.

  8. Income tax

    Information about how Income Tax is calculated.

  9. Print ready What matters to you - Current experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales 2024.pdf

    1 This is the fifth annual survey undertaken since 2020 by Age Cymru and the key organisations that represent older people in Wales. It’s important that Welsh Government and others hear from older people ... people about your experiences and what matters to you. This survey will take 15 minutes to complete. Your response is anonymous but if you want us to contact you about the survey you can include your contact

  10. What matters to you - Current experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales 2024.docx

    key organisations that represent older people in Wales.It’s importantthatWelshGovernmentandothershearfromolder people about your experiences and what matters to you.This surveywilltake15minutestocomplete ... a library⬛ Throughfamilyorfriendssmartphone/ tablet/ipad/computer⬛ At aninternet café⬛ OtherA2.c. What do youuse the internet for?(Select any that apply)⬛ Contactingfriends/family ⬛Finding out information

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