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People also search for: york age uk, what age do age uk help, 2021

  1. Loneliness

    Age Cymru are here to help those overcome loneliness. Find out what causes loneliness here and how to help tackle the problem.

  2. Protection from abuse

    Elder abuse can take many forms, including financial, emotional, physical and sexual. Find out what elder abuse is and some examples of abuse.

  3. Tracey Davies

    Instructor Why did you want to volunteer with Age Cymru? I wanted to volunteer in some capacity following my retirement but it had to be the right role. I wanted an element of caring and improvement and ... that would suit. I had also had an interest in Tai Chi.  So when I saw an advert from Age Cymru looking for volunteers to teach Tai Chi I knew I had found exactly what I wanted. What difference to your

  4. Pensions advice

    Advice and information on pensions

  5. Pension Credit

    Information about the two parts of pension credit: Savings Credit and Guarantee Credit, and how much money pension credit will give you

  6. Age Awareness Training

    Age Awareness Training

  7. Age Cymru Advice

    Age Cymru Advice is committed to being the foremost information and advice service to older people in Wales.

  8. age friendly Wales

    In an age friendly wales, older people would not experience barriers to independent living and would remain actively engaged with their communities.

  9. Age at Work

    Our Age at Work project aims to raise awareness of an ageing workforce and supporting businesses in Wales to be more age inclusive.

  10. Age Awareness Training

    Age Cymru’s age awareness training will enhance the understanding and skills of your customer service staff, improving the quality of customer service provided to older customers, ensuring they feel valued

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