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  1. Age-related TV licence policy - February 2019.pdf

    public administration; social welfare; sport and recreation; tourism; town and country planning; water and flood defence, and the Welsh language. If older people in Wales cannot afford to pay for their

  2. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Visual Arts_E.pdf

    directions and tightening it, • Roll the ball in your palm until even, then dip it in some warm soapy water, • Continue to roll the ball in your palm, adding pressure to make it harder, • Eventually you should

  3. Eatwell_guide_colour.pdf

    d al te rn at iv es Be an s, pu ls es , fi sh , e gg s, m ea t an d ot her p ro te in s 6-8 a day Water, lower fat milk, sugar-free drinks including tea and coffee all count. Limit fruit juice and/or smoothies

  4. CWTSH Keep yourself Safe and Well CUDDLE_- FINAL.pdf

    house feel safe to get around? Looking After Your Health Are we eating properly and drinking enough water? Are we taking our time and checking for trip hazards? Checking Your Eyesight Are we making sure our

  5. Health services and the NHS policy statement - May 2016[1].pdf

    significant improvement in early diagnosis rates for dementia in Wales, and look to Belfast in Northern Ireland for lessons in how they have achieved 70% diagnosis rate and monitor progress towards achieving ... issues throughout their careers. • Do Not Attempt Resuscitation orders (nor the withdrawal of food and water) must not be placed on a person’s medical records unless they and/or their family/carer are aware

  6. Seasonal Influenza (flu) vaccination

    won’t relieve flu symptoms or help your recovery. To help you get better you should drink plenty of water, rest as much as possible and try to keep warm. Taking ibuprofen and paracetamol can help ease some

  7. Summer Health Advice - how to protect yourself

    on the television or the radio, or check the Met Office website Keeping yourself cool Drink cool water-based drinks throughout the day. Avoid drinks like alcohol and caffeine as they can dehydrate you

  8. Life on a low income - FINAL - E.pdf

    rising costs of essential goods such as food and fuel, historically low interest rates on savings and plummeting annuity rates for those reaching retirement with private pensions. This has meant that the incomes ... help. A telephone application for Pension Credit was completed, and Mr Lewis was awarded the full rate of £142.70 with the money paid into his bank 3 days later. He had previously been living on £70 per

  9. Winter 2021 Newsletter v3.pdf

    about and meet others. Outbreaks of Covid are still occurring in communities across Wales while rates of flu infections are expected to rise as we’ve not been exposed to germs as much as usual. And if ... to keep the heat in. Help stop the spread of germs by regularly washing your hands with soap and water or antibacterial gel if you’re outside the home. You should also try to catch coughs and sneezes

  10. Age Cymru MMIYP - English.pdf

    44 98. Our advice line is open between 9am and 4pm, Monday – Friday. (Calls are charged at the same rate as a call to a standard 01 or 02 number. They will also be automatically included in any landline ... to gain. If you’ve been turned down before, it may still be worth making a new claim, as benefits rates change, as can your finances. Can I claim it? Guarantee Credit • There is no savings limit for Pension

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