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  1. Newsletter Winter Warmth 2020 web.pdf 2 The quarterly newsletter from Age Cymru Winter Warmth Edition 2020 Keeping safe, warm and connected this winter By Victoria Lloyd, Chief Executive, December 2020 Welcome to our special ... special Winter Warmth edition of Age Matters which is packed full of information to help keep you safe, warm and connected this winter. We‘re especially delighted to welcome our new readers – we hope you enjoy

  2. APPG_for_Ageing_and_Older_People_minutes_140316.pdf

    and that if they were disabled they spent even more time at home, so needed homes that were decent, warm and with suitable adaptations to be able to live independently. She explained that in Lambeth, there

  3. ID204744 Jingle Bakes_recipes.pdf

    sifted  2 tbsp milk For the decoration:  Icing for decoration (125g icing sugar mixed with 15ml warm water)  Silver balls  Anything you’d like to adorn your bells with! Special equipment:  Cookie

  4. RB_July14_Housing_Later_Life_Report.pdf

    delivery of appropriate care and support. • Where possible sheltered and extra care housing should act as hubs for the development of peripatetic home support services that reach out to all older people in local ... campaign The Spread the Warmth campaign brings together a number of measures to help older people stay warm in the winter. It includes practical services as well as offering free advice and information. It

  5. Age Cymru response to Social Care Wales Draft Equality Plan September 2021.pdf

    connections (both sufficient broadband connections for all social care settings and wider community hubs, as well as good quality signal strength for areas of community social work) varies across Wales so

  6. Seasonal Influenza (flu) vaccination

    To help you get better you should drink plenty of water, rest as much as possible and try to keep warm. Taking ibuprofen and paracetamol can help ease some of the symptoms. How can I stop myself catching

  7. WWU - English.pdf

    guide to keeping warm, safe and well this winter Health & wellbeing 1 Winter wrapped up Contents What this guide is about 2 Preparing for winter 3 Staying safe and healthy 6 Keeping warm indoors and out ... out 12 Keeping your home warm 14 What extra money could I be eligible for? 16 Heating your home efficiently 17 Winter myths 20 Useful organisations 23 Helpful telephone numbers 27 Supporting the work of Age

  8. Help an older person this Winter

    out to run a few errands or doing an online shop could be a big help to someone Check their home is warm enough.  We'll all likely be spending more time at home this winter meaning higher heating and

  9. Advocacy Newsletter September 2016 English.pdf

    and Inspection of Social Care (Wales) Act 2016 The Care Council for Wales Learning and Information Hub OPAAL launches Older People’s Advocacy Manifesto 2016 Page 13 Page 14 National Advocacy

  10. Help with the cost of living

    also some benefits specifically to help with bills in the winter, such as the Winter Fuel Payment and Warm Home Discount . You can contact Age Cymru Advice for further information. Call  0300 303 44 98  ... gone bust, as there are considerations if your account was in credit, or if you usually receive the Warm Home Discount. Can I get support from my energy supplier? If you're finding it difficult to keep up

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