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  1. 20191113 Public Health Wales SEO - Age Cymru response.pdf

    lifts, handrails and public seating in premises help to facilitate this, along with good public transport links to help ensure that services are accessible to older people. With reference to the provision

  2. Coivd-19 Survey_v2.pdf

    Accessing food  Accessing prescriptions  Cost of living  Exercising individual rights  Transport  Scams or abuse  Access to cash  Other, please state:_______________________ B5. What has

  3. Buses and trains: the stuff of memories for these Port Talbot pensioners

    0800 4640000. Our age friendly Wales campaign calls for sufficient integrated public and community transport throughout Wales to ensure older people can access communities and services.

  4. The Blue Badge Scheme in Wales: Age Cymru welcomes the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee report

    find it more and more difficult to access them. We are pleased that the Minister for Economy and Transport has said that his first priority is to ensure that the scheme is implemented consistently across

  5. The Equality Act

    Your treatment in the workplace When you apply for a job Public services Local council services Transport Housing associations Age discrimination can be legal under certain circumstances. The Equality Act

  6. What is adult safeguarding?

    damage (such as destruction of household goods) rape preventing a person from having access to transport or from working.

  7. Being a friend.pdf

    distance, self-isolate or shield – for example going to their pharmacist or having to use public transport to go shopping, potentially putting themselves at risk. • There could be further unnecessary strain

  8. IG50.pdf

    • You’ll get free NHS dental treatment. You can also claim help towards the cost of glasses and transport to the hospital. • You’ll get a Cold Weather Payment of £25 when the average temperature in your

  9. RB_Feb16_Bus_pass_briefing.pdf

    standard for concessionary fares for older and disabled people was originally introduced under the Transport Act 2000 and extended by subsequent legislation. Currently free off peak travel is available to ... increasing from 60 to reach 65 by November 2018 (by mid-2016 this will be 63). The Department for Transport provides specific guidance to local authorities on assessing the eligibility of disabled people

  10. Age Cymru HOPE Infographic report 2021-22 E FINAL.pdf

    bank. Our HOPE Independent Volunteer Advocate researched local organisations offering community transport and helped Mr W arrange lifts to the bank. Our Volunteer Advocate also helped him identify other

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