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  1. Age Cymru Advice How can we help Booklet - Welsh.pdf

    Gallwch anfon e-bost atom hefyd i neu ewch i’n gwefan, sef Cymorth Lleol Mae Cyngor Age Cymru yn ymddwyn fel llwybr at ein gwasanaethau lleol hefyd. Mae’n bosib ... 98 • Anfonwch e-bost i Gyngor Age Cymru ar • Ewch i i ddarllen neu lawr lwytho’r ystod lawn • Llenwch y ffurflen archebu yng nghanol y daflen hon I

  2. Age Cymru Advice How can we help Order Form Insert - english and welsh.pdf

    Please quote AC0001 when ordering. Title of Publication Ref. No. Quantity Your hospital stay IG07 Advice for carers IG13 Bladder and bowel problems IG15 Caring for someone with dementia IG47 Living with ... Age Cymru Advice: How can we help? (bilingual guide) AC0001 Age Cymru Advice business cards (bilingual - two sided) AC0002 Age Cymru Advice poster (bilingual - one sided) AC0003 Age Cymru Advice flyer (bilingual

  3. Contact Age Cymru

    Find out about the different ways you can contact Age Cymru, whether it's to get inforamtion and advice on money or care, ask about donations or something else.

  4. Pension scams

    pension pots from age 55 have brought with them new scams. Be cautious of anyone approaching you with advice on how to invest your pension.

  5. NHS services in Wales and help with health costs

    time. Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can get help when you’re ill, or if you just need advice about your health.

  6. About the project

    support the early identification of older carers to provide timely and person-centred information and advice.

  7. IG54.pdf

    Help with your Council Tax. Council Tax Reduction AgeUKIG54 2 What is Council Tax Reduction? Council Tax is a property-based tax you pay to your local council. If you’re on a low income, you might be ... entitled to help paying it. This help is known as Council Tax Reduction or Council Tax Support. All local councils use the same Council Tax Reduction scheme for people over State Pension age – which

  8. What pension options do I have?

    of pension scams as you are nearing pension age. Fraudsters are more likely to approach you with advice about withdrawing and investing your pension. They may attract you by making a false claim that you ... what best suits your needs. Each option comes with its own set of rules, fees, benefits, risks and tax issues. Deciding what to do with your pension pot can be complicated – there are many factors

  9. Universal Credit

    Support Working Tax Credit Child Tax Credit. If you currently receive these benefits, you will continue to receive payments as normal for the time being. Your local Jobcentre Plus or Tax Credits office ... helpline on 0800 328 5644  (or textphone 0800 328 1344 ). For more information call Age Cymru Advice on 0300 303 44 98

  10. Moving in with family

    are claiming benefits, will these be affected? How might the living arrangement affect your council tax? If you live with a couple, what would happen if they split up? What would happen if the arrangement ... likely to want the best for you, it’s important to protect yourself by getting independent legal advice . It’s a good idea to get a formal agreement drawn up. It might seem awkward to discuss these things

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