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  1. FS59w.pdf

    Ombudsman for Wales in regard to self funded homecare or care home services 43 19 Human rights and equality 44 19.1 Human rights 44 19.2 Case study: how a human rights approach can ... are not discriminated against (see section 19) and must seek to maximise your wellbeing, as defined in the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 – see section 2 below. There is also information

  2. FS67.pdf

    further information, or to discuss which factsheets may be most useful or relevant to you – see section 16 for contact details. Note: The information given in this factsheet is applicable in Wales. Different ... information in this section is a brief summary of the main points of note in the new legislation. Further information on these elements can either be found within relevant sections of the factsheet below

  3. FS46w.pdf

    that may help to meet the cost of care and support at home 43 12.1 Attendance Allowance (AA) 43 12.2 Personal Independence Payment (PIP) / Disability ... initial assessment of your care needs from the local authority prior to arranging your services – see section 3 below. You may also wish to bear in mind that even if you do have a high income and/or a lot of

  4. FS10w - June 2020.pdf

    assistance towards the fees 42 11 Choice of care home and third party contributions 43 11.1 Choice of accommodation 43 11.2 Third party contributions (also known as ‘top-ups’) 45 11.3 Situations where the ... available in your local telephone directory, or our Age Cymru Advice line can provide them – see section 25 for contact details. ‘Care homes’ The term ‘care home’ covers any establishment providing accommodation

  5. Age Cymru response to Liberty Protection Safeguards consultation July 2022.pdf

    Approved Mental Capacity Professionals (AMCPs). Timeframe is needed for appointment of an IMCA for Section 4B We have concerns that no specific timeframe is given on when an IMCA is appointed following an ... emergency decision being taken. We suggest that this should be within 24 hours. To ensure that use of Section 4B is not excessive, we suggest that this forms part of monitoring information. Importance of ensuring

  6. 2020 amendments WWU – English.pdf

    public transport. Again, check the Welsh Government website for current advice. • Page 7: this section contains information on the annual seasonal flu vaccine. This year, those who were already eligible

  7. FS91.pdf

    to a regulated independent financial adviser if you need advice about your decisions. See factsheet 43, Getting legal and financial advice for information about independent financial advisers or check the ... details for any organisation mentioned in this factsheet can be found in the Useful organisations section. Age UK factsheet June 2024 Pension Freedom and benefits Page 2 of 22 Contents 1 Introduction

  8. FS41w.pdf

    payments – an alternative way to arrange services to meet your eligible care needs 43 11.4 Reablement 44 11.5 Sheltered housing 45 11.6 Where a large amount of care is needed – ... advice, help and practical support from the adult social care system run by local authorities. In the sections that follow, you can find information on the processes in Wales for:  Obtaining a social care assessment

  9. FS38w.pdf

    3 Placing a charge on the property 43 13.4 Making sure that the care home resident is allowed to retain capital that they are entitled to 43 13.5 Interest charged on deferred payment ... Alternatively, Age Cymru Advice can provide them – see section 16 for contact details. ‘Care homes’ The term ‘care home’ covers any establishment providing accommodation

  10. FS29w.pdf

    be required 41 8 Regulatory bodies and service standards 43 8.1 The Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) 43 8.2 Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW) 43 9 Problems and complaints 44 9.1 Using relevant complaints ... (based on a financial means test); or  cases where someone will be fully self funding.  A detailed section listing a range of issues to consider and questions to ask when choosing a home.  Information on

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