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  1. Survey March 2024 v6.docx

    Whatmatterstoyou?Current experiencesofpeople aged50oroverinWalesThis isthefifthannualsurveyundertakensince2020byAgeCymru and the key organisations that represent older people in Wales.It’s importantthatWelshGovernmentandothershearfromolder people about your experiences and what matters to you.This surveywilltake15minutestocomplete.Your responseisanonymousbutifyouwantustocontactyouabout the survey

  2. How to get help with urgent or one-off expenses

    cost. What help you can get may depend on your circumstances. You may be able to get an advance payment of your benefit called a Budgeting Loan (or Budgeting Advance if you receive Universal Credit). Alternatively ... you’ll need to repay it within 104 weeks. What you owe is usually taken out of your benefit payments until the loan is paid off. Visit to download a claim form SF500 or contact Jobcentre Plus

  3. Disability Living Allowance

    (DLA) is a benefit for disabled people. It's a monthly, tax-free payment, but it’s gradually being replaced by Personal Independence Payment .  Disability Living Allowance has been discontinued by the ... the government and is gradually being replaced by Personal Independence Payment. However, some people can continue to claim DLA if: You were born before 8 April 1948 and are already currently claiming DLA

  4. RB_March17_Age_UK_briefing_Budget.pdf

    year or next and so for now we are viewing this £2 billion injection of funds as more of a down-payment than a final interim settlement. “There’s a pressing need to give social care real stability, and ... following previous announcements:  The Government will press ahead with reducing the Money Purchase Annual Allowance for people who have accessed their private pension, to £4,000pa. This was previously announced

  5. FS92.pdf

    in this factsheet is correct for the period April 2024 to March 2025. Benefit rates are reviewed annually and uprated in April, but rules and figures can change during the year. The rules for claiming Universal ... Commitment 11 3.4 Claim maintenance 12 4 Decisions and payments 13 4.1 Payments and assessment periods 13 4.2 Advances of benefit 13 4.3 Alternative payment arrangements 14 4.4 If you disagree with a decision

  6. CRS_June16_BIS_consumer_landscape_and_quicker_switching.pdf

    relatives and Attorneys. The Government should support the development of these support providers. 7. Renewal is a key opportunity to prompt consumers to engage or seek support. Supplier communications should ... be to find ways of enabling longer commissioning periods, as organisations that are funded on an annual basis are likely to find it hard to recruit and maintain staff, leading to significant wastage.

  7. FS1w.pdf

    Getting the best energy deal 8 3.1 Switching tariff or supplier 8 3.2 Changing payment method – direct debit 9 3.3 Changing payment method – prepayment meters 9 3.4 Collective energy switching 10 4 General ... on energy bills 13 5.2 UK Government ‘Energy Price Guarantee’ 14 5.3 UK Government Cost of Living Payments 14 5.4 ‘Warm hubs’ 15 6 The Welsh Government Warm Homes Nest scheme 15 6.1 Overview 15 6.2 Eligibility

  8. FS82.pdf

    In Wales, see factsheet 1w Help with heating costs in Wales. Support includes: ⚫ Cost of Living Payments, linked to benefits entitlement ⚫ In England, a Household Support Fund, available through local ... households by setting a maximum amount that suppliers can charge per unit of energy. From July 2023 the annual price cap level is set at £2,074 for a dual fuel household paying by direct debit, based on typical

  9. Income tax

    Universal Credit Attendance Allowance Disability Living Allowance Personal Independence Payment Winter Fuel Payment pensions administered under the War Pensions Scheme and Armed Forces Compensation Scheme

  10. Print ready What matters to you - Current experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales 2024.pdf

    1 This is the fifth annual survey undertaken since 2020 by Age Cymru and the key organisations that represent older people in Wales. It’s important that Welsh Government and others hear from older people

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