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  1. GCBH-The-Brain-Body-Connection-Report-Jul16.pdf

    Brain–Body Connection: GCBH Recommendations on Physical Activity and Brain Health The Brain–Body Connection: GCBH Recommendations on Physical Activity and Brain Health 1 The Global Council on Brain Health ... informed choices relating to brain health. Physical Activity and Brain Health On April 14, 2016 members of the GCBH met to critically examine the impact of physical activity on brain health. A list of participants

  2. Sporting Memories Partner leaflet (002).pdf

    uk Sporting Memories Wales will work with communities and organisations to promote the mental and physical wellbeing of people over 50, using the power of sport as a focus to engage those who are living ... are socially isolated. Our beneficiaries are typically older people who do not take part in other activities or spend days without social interaction, who may be living with conditions such as dementia or

  3. LIFT volunteer 050716.pdf

    Cardiff, CF24 5PJ Tel: 029 2043 1555 Fax: 029 2047 1418 Web: 050716   Physical Activity volunteer role description Role title: LIFT Leader Principle function: To provide hands ... sessions for older people. Purpose: LIFT is a series of activities and games designed specifically for older people to take part in physical activity in a local environment – using safe seated and standing

  4. NHS continuing healthcare (NHS CHC)

    What is NHS CHC? NHS CHC is a package of care arranged and funded solely by the NHS to meet physical and/or mental health needs that have arisen because of disability, accident or illness. It can ... ‘intensity’ , ‘complexity’ or ‘unpredictability’ of someone’s health needs mean that they have to be actively managed by the NHS. Eligibility decisions for NHS CHC rest on whether your need for care is primarily

  5. Cooling down.pdf

    include some cooling down activities at the end of each session to make sure your participants are relaxed and revitalised and that their bodies have returned to a pre-activity state. Mobilising exercises

  6. Alan Rumble

    thinking of becoming involved with volunteering? By helping older people become more physically and socially active you will be doing your bit to help reduce the pressure on the NHS – as well as improving

  7. What is Spread the Warmth

    small targets to get up and move about every hour. You might not think it, but even a little bit of activity can help you to keep warm, safe and well. Moving about generates heat, strengthens bones and muscles ... you're not alone. Lots of us are finding things we used to do less easy. Find out more about our physical activity programmes, like tai chi and LIFT (Low Impact Functional Training) Eat well Spending more time

  8. Falls Prevention

    to keep yourself from falling. After all, falls are not an inevitable part of growing older. Stay active As we get older, our muscle strength and balance reduces, which can lead to a fall. Exercises designed ... of a fall by improving your posture, coordination and balance.  Find out more about our physical activity programmes, like tai chi and LIFT (Low Impact Functional Training) Eat well It’s important

  9. Domestic abuse

    intimate partner or family member regardless of gender or sexuality” It includes psychological, physical, sexual, financial, emotional abuse; so called ‘honour’ based violence; Female Genital

  10. Rebecca Phillips - Volunteer Officer

    Meet Rebecca Phillips, Age Cymru's Volunteer Officer and find out what her roles involved and how it makes a difference to older people in Wales.

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