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  1. IG54.pdf

    same Council Tax Reduction scheme for people over State Pension age – which is what this guide focuses on. If you haven’t yet reached State Pension age, the scheme can vary between councils, so you should ... ” Reg, 89 4 “I’m really glad I used the benefits calculator. I now get Council Tax Reduction and Pension Credit – I didn’t know I was entitled to them!” Rosa, 71 The Council Tax Reduction you get depends

  2. Universal Credit

    benefit will be replaced by Universal Credit. To claim Universal Credit, you must: be under State Pension age have a low income have savings below £16,000 accept a ‘Claimant Commitment’. You can’t recieve ... person is over State Pension age and the other is under, you will need to claim  Universal Credit rather than Pension Credit. If you're a mixed age couple and already receive Pension Credit, you can remain

  3. Carer's Allowance

    or need to. You'll also get National Insurance credits each week towards your State Pension if you're under pension age. Carer’s Allowance is paid at  £81.90 per week (for April 2024-March ... more than £151 a week (after deductions) are not in full-time education If you get a State Pension which is greater than £81.90 a week, you cannot be paid Carer's Allowance, even if you meet

  4. RB_Oct17_Scams_party_conference_paper_nocrops.pdf

    average age of victims of mass marketing postal fraud is 75.6 £43 million pension scams People have lost an estimated £43 million to pension scammers since April 2014.7 £32,000 average loss In 2016, victims ... are victims. However, older people are overrepresented as victims of particular frauds, including pension and investment scams, postal scams, doorstep scams and telephone scams. Some older people are especially

  5. Age Cymru manifesto 2019 references Eng.pdf

    references for statistics cited in Age Cymru’s manifesto for the 2019 General Election. 120,000 pensioners in Wales live in poverty. JRF (2018) Poverty in Wales 2018 https://41ydvd1cuyvlonsm03mpf21pub-wpengine ... Changes to Pension Credit rules for ‘mixed age couples’ (pensioners with a partner under State Pension Age) mean that some couples with an age gap of five years

  6. The Winter Fuel Payment and Warm Home Discount

    Payment is a non-means tested payment from the Government to help with heating costs. Most pensioner households will be able to receive it. Additionally, when the weather is especially cold for a sustained ... during the winter. It's designed to make things a bit easier for those living on a low income or pension. You may also wish to view our information on help with the cost of living .   The Winter Fuel

  7. Personal Independence Payment

    you’re under State Pension age (and over 16) and need help with daily living activities or getting around, or both. If you’re awarded PIP before you’re of State Pension age, you’ll ... savings you have. If you've reached State Pension age and have care needs, you should claim Attendance Allowance instead. If you are unsure when you reach State Pension age, you can find out on the  GOV

  8. Housing Benefit

    Independence Payment . Rent can eat up a big chunk of income each month, especially if you’re a pensioner struggling to pay other living costs. Housing Benefit could help you to meet those costs and save ... claiming benefits you have savings of less than £16,000 If you get the Guarantee Credit part of Pension Credit your income and savings are not taken into account so you may get your rent paid in full by

  9. Remarrying in later life

    civil partnership or live with someone as a couple, any means-tested benefits you receive , such as Pension Credit , Housing Benefit  or help from the Council Tax Reduction Scheme may be affected. Notify ... If you’re a member of a company pension scheme and you decide to remarry or form a new civil partnership, you may want to change the nominated beneficiary for your pension . This is the person who receives

  10. How your benefits are means-tested

    have. The information in this section only applies to people over State Pension age. The means-tested benefits are:  Pension Credit Housing Benefit The Council Tax Reduction Scheme Cold Weather ... are special rules for valuing these). Any lump sum payments you received from deferring your State Pension is not included as capital. Your income and capital must be below a certain limit for you to be eligible

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