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  1. Age Cymru Dementia Advocacy Project Brochure - FINAL ENGLISH.pdf

    future Being involved and included Making choices and decisions that matter Staying connected Being safe and feeling secure Thinking Together About Dementia Advocacy Being empowered Getting to know and understand ... We can support people to explore all the range of options available to them when it comes to making key life decisions. Making referrals or signposting to other sources of support We recognoise there’s a

  2. 20211108 HOPE Marketing Brief - final.pdf

    independent advocacy support to local older people and carers. The support will help people to shape the key decisions affecting their lives and avoid getting into a crisis. Volunteers will provide support ... Health Wales Guidance. We have been seeking innovative ways to deliver our advocacy service until it’s safe to return to in-person working. HOPE has a robust recruitment, induction and training programme,

  3. Take Action Today-Poster English.pdf or contact Age Cymru on 02920 431 555 for other exercise opportunities Stay Safe Is your home safe and warm and does it help you manage well? • Contact Care & Repair on 0300 111 3333 for

  4. Age at Work

    your life and start planning for a positive future. These free webinars provide an overview of four keys areas: job/career, health and wellbeing, finance and work-life balance to help you feel more confident ... Toolkit This Toolkit provides a guide for employers to support staff over the age of 50 in relation to 4 key areas: Financial Wellbeing, Health and Wellbeing, Work-life Balance and Workplace Practices and complements

  5. Improving domiciliary care for older people in Wales

    called ‘Improving domiciliary care in Wales’. ‘Improving domiciliary care in Wales’ identifies four key areas where action is needed to create an age friendly Wales where quality domiciliary care is provided

  6. What matters to you

    and support us to raise issues that impact older people with the media, politicians, and many other key stakeholders. Want to become an Age Cymru storyteller? Contact Michael Phillips for an informal chat

  7. About our Golden Thread Advocacy Programme

    implementation of Part 10 (Advocacy) of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014. The programme's key aims were To support the commissioning of independent professional advocacy through a sustainable,

  8. Carers reports and resources

    resources for GPs and those working within primary healthcare settings aim to identify older carers at key points of contact. Although these resources were developed specifically for carers week, they can be

  9. RB_Sept16_Age_UK_Briefing_Fraud_and_Scams.pdf

    should take action to prevent crimes targeted at older people, including scams, and support victims. Key Stats  The average age of mail scam victims is 74.  Over half of people aged 65+ believe they have ... we should – gives a more accurate picture of 21st century crime. Understanding fraud is therefore key to tackling crime and Government, police, banks, and others have to adapt and tackle fraud. Examples

  10. RB_Sept12_npi_Affordability_Of_Retirement_Housing_In_The_UK.pdf

    tenure, their level of savings and, especially in the case of care, which UK country they live in. The key features of the systems of state help are as follows: ● Guarantee pension credit represents a ‘floor’ ... housing is that their existing housing is no longer suitable and sometimes to move nearer to family. A key pull factor is the possibility for social activities and interaction with people similar to themselves

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