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  1. Wales advocacy surveys

    People across Wales, including those living in care homes, have seen their human rights breached and their access to advocacy, health and social care suspended during the pandemic, finds a survey of 72

  2. Adapting your home

    Find out what types of home adaptations could help make your home life easier.

  3. Age Cymru - Final report - Supporting good mental health of older adults in care homes- March 2023 - Website.pdf

    1 Supporting good mental health of older adults in care homes March 2023 2 Content ………………………………………………………………………… Introduction 3 Workstream one 4 Scoping of support and services ... services - - - - - - Workstream two 18 Views from older adults living in care homes - - Good practice 23 Identification of the gaps in support, 25 and the needs identified Recommendations

  4. Advance care planning

    We're campaigning to help people with their advance care planning

  5. How to find the help you need at home

    Types of care support

  6. The Winter Fuel Payment and Warm Home Discount

    cold for a sustained period, you may be eligible for a Cold Weather Payment . There is also a Warm Home Discount scheme – an annual payment to help with the cost of energy during the winter. It's ... Winter Fuel Payment. The Warm Home Discount is a one-off payment of £150 to reduce eligible customers’ bills over the winter months.  Getting a Warm Home Discount doesn't affect your entitlement

  7. Adaptations and equipment to make home tasks easier

    If you want to stay independent in your own home for longer, there are adaptations that can make your life easier. Read more information about adaptations and funding them here.

  8. Keeping well at home.pdf

    Creating an age friendly Wales Keeping well at home There are number of things that people can do to help stay mentally and physically well whilst at home. As a ‘Friend’ you could help the person you’re ... are a variety of exercises that can be done from home for all abilities. Below are some suggestions from NHS Wales for exercise that can be done from home. They can also be downloaded as pdfs to be given

  9. Sheltered housing and extra-care housing

    If you want to live independently but in a smaller, easier-to-manage home, with support, then sheltered housing (also called retirement housing) might appeal to you.

  10. Keeping well at home.pdf

    Creating an age friendly Wales Keeping well at home There are number of things that people can do to help stay mentally and physically well whilst at home. As a ‘Friend’ you could help the person you’re ... are a variety of exercises that can be done from home for all abilities. Below are some suggestions from NHS Wales for exercise that can be done from home. They can also be downloaded as pdfs to be given

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