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  1. Age Cymru Domiciliary Care Report 2015 (e).pdf

    Creating an age friendly Wales Improving domiciliary care for older people in Wales. The view of Age Cymru Creating an age friendly Wales Social care ... Age Cymru is a registered charity 1128436. Company limited by guarantee and registered in England and Wales 6837284. Registered office as above. ©Age Cymru 2015

  2. Scams information hub February 2016.pdf

    Scams information hub February 2016 Worst scams in 2015 Top five scams to look out for in 2016 Watch out for fraudsters harvesting signatures on your doorstep    Telephone scam Fraudsters claiming to ... Bogus Trades People           Scams can have a devastating impact on older people’s health In the media Dementia sufferer, 84, conned into filling his Plymouth home with hundreds of useless products

  3. RB_July14_Access_all_ages_2.pdf

    Exploring variations in access to surgery among older people Access all ages 2 MHP Health was commissioned by the RCS to research and draft the report. MHP Health is an award-winning specialist health ... Variation by CCG in breast excision rates for the over-75s 21 Figure 4 Distribution of colorectal excision rates across CCGs for the over-65s and over-75s 24 Figure 5 Variation by CCG in colorectal excision

  4. Age Cymru - What matters to you report - August 2024.pdf

    What matters to you? Current experiences of people aged 50 or over in Wales August 2024 Contents About this research 3 Current experiences of people aged 50 or over 4 Access to healthcare 4 • Getting ... and appointments 9 • Access to treatment and ongoing checks 10 • Access to surgical procedures and in-patient care 11 • Access to dental services 12 Accessing social care 13 • Challenges - those needing

  5. RB_Oct14_Cognitive_decline_and_dementia_evidence_review_Age_UK.pdf

    cognitive health in later life. As well as funding, we have worked with the researchers to summarise, interpret and translate their findings. A specific report is due to be published in the next few months ... only about cognitive ageing but also about dementia. We feel that this is a good time for everyone in Age UK to catch up with the messages from the latest research on what dementia is, what it is not,

  6. Carers Policy Statement - August 2019.pdf

    or affected by substance misuse”1. According to the 2011 census, there were 369,186 carers2 living in Wales, representing 12% of the population, the highest proportion of carers of all UK countries. 87 ... 87,173 of these carers were aged 65 and over, and 131,120 aged between 50 and 64. 103,594 people in Wales provide over 50 hours of unpaid care per week.3 It is likely that the actual proportion of older

  7. FS78w.pdf

    Advice 0300 303 44 98 Factsheet 78w  November 2022 Safeguarding older people in Wales from abuse and neglect Factsheet 78w  November 2022 ... elder abuse, neglect and safeguarding 5 2.1 Introduction 5 2.2 Legislation and government guidance in regard to safeguarding older people 6 2.3 What is elder abuse? 10 2.4 What is neglect? 10 2.5 What

  8. RB_May14_CPA_Effectiveness_of_care_pathways.pdf

    Centre for Policy on Ageing – Rapid review May 2014      The effectiveness of care pathways in health and social care Background Care pathways, also known as clinical pathways, critical pathways, care paths ... care programme.1  Care pathways are a way of setting out a process of best practice to be followed in the treatment of a patient or client with a particular condition or with particular needs. They are

  9. RB_Sept14_Building_an_income_for_retirement.pdf

    ........................................................................................ 18 Change in take-up .......................................................................................... ... ........................................................................................ 18 Change in private pension contributions ....................................................................

  10. CRS_March17_review_automatic_enrolment.pdf Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address ... out by the DWP, and is an early stage in the review process. Key points and recommendations  Among jobholders estimated to be ineligible for auto-enrolment, women, disabled people and BAME groups are

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