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  1. 20170203Loneliness - evidencetoHSCScommittee.pdf

    part in their communities. Barriers in the built environment can exclude older people from becoming fully inclusive members of society. These can include pavements in a poor condition, car ... lack of public toilets. 4. Loneliness has complex causes, however there are practical actions that can be taken to address the issue. Being able to take part in community life, with good access to local

  2. Age Cymru – May 2022 - Consultation response - Economic and rural impact of cost of living pressures - The Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee.pdf

    to respond to this consultation on the economic and rural impact of cost of living pressures. 1. What are the likely economic impacts of the cost of living crunch? Around 165,000 older households1 in ... older households we are referring to those older households with the lowest household income after-tax (i.e. those in the lowest income decile). 5 Age UK analysis of Living Cost & Food Survey 2019-20. Figures

  3. Age Cymru response Rebalancing Care and Support Consultation 6th April 2021.pdf

    with length of time that people have to wait before a GPs appointment or social care can be accessed as a major issue. Covid 19 has demonstrated the fragility of our system and how in the times of greatest ... acute services that are needed now and in the short term. It is difficult to see how improvements can be achieved without compromising existing care and support services unless significant additional funding

  4. CRS_Sept13_Evidence_to_MCA_Select_Committee.pdf

    appreciate that older people may regain capacity or have fluctuating capacity. 1.3. It is taking a long time for consideration of capacity to become embedded in day to day practice across the board in social ... takes place in moments of crisis, under time pressure. In these circumstances, for example in hospital settings when treatment decisions need to be made urgently, it can be difficult for the 3 MCA procedures

  5. Age Cymru Advice Statement of Service (1).pdf

    1 Age Cymru Advice Statement of Service What we do. Age Cymru Advice provides an information and advice service to older people, their carers and families ... Call us on: 0300 303 44 98 (charged at a local rate). We can call you back if you’re concerned about your phone bill. Ø Email advice: You can email us directly at: Ø Website: There’s

  6. Age Cymru Advice Statement of Service (1).pdf

    1 Age Cymru Advice Statement of Service What we do. Age Cymru Advice provides an information and advice service to older people, their carers and families ... Call us on: 0300 303 44 98 (charged at a local rate). We can call you back if you are concerned about your phone bill. Ø Email advice: You can email us directly at: Ø Website: There’s

  7. One_Digital_Phase_1_Evaluation-Insight_Report.pdf

    to engage, support and encourage older people to develop their digital skills and confidence. This can involve attending events to promote the benefits of digital technology to older people, supporting ... people as Digital Champions and deliver the sessions themselves. The concept of Digital Champions can be helpful to develop a network of community based digital sessions embedded in the community; and

  8. Paying for goods.pdf

    with a receipt for any purchases made for them, and leave it in the bottom of the shopping bag. They can then check this against the amount requested in payment. • Encourage the person you’re supporting to ... There are a number of different ways to safely access cash and pay for goods and services that you can let the person you’re supporting know about: • A number of local shops and services will allow payment

  9. Friends - Update registration.docx

    hear from us, please tick or circle - by post [  ] email [  ] telephone [  ] all [  ] You can unsubscribe at any time. Call 029 2043 1555 email or tick / circle this box [  ]Your

  10. RB_July15_Dementia Friendly Programme - Final Evaluation Report.pdf

    are also grateful to all those involved in the Dementia Friendly programme who generously gave their time to participate in the research, including the local Age UK partners and the Dementia Friendly consultants ... additional third cohort (which was not originally planned) boosted the outcomes of the programme but put time pressures on the project team. Nevertheless, the project team successfully dealt with the ongoing

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