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  1. RB_Jan10_older_people’s_experiences_of_renting_privately.pdf

    who had retired on Incapacity Benefit; older people who were caring for children who were in their 40s but who had disabilities; and couples where one spouse was caring for another. The majority of respondents ... resident landlord. These lodgers – both in the same house – had lived with their landlady for more than 40 years. At the time of the interview two respondents were living in sheltered housing, but had only

  2. RB_Summer13_Economic_Monitor_Report.pdf

    worse off financially compared with last year Employment Unemployment Inactivity 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0% Aged 16–64 Aged 50–64 Aged 65+ 1.2% 2.3% 3.9% 0.2%–0.5% 0.6%–0.7% 0.8%–1.1% 1.2%–1.6%

  3. Scams and Swindles 2 PDF proof English.pdf

    percent had experienced depression in the past six months. 37 percent missed having people around and 40 percent were lonely. 9 percent were known to be repeat victims. 7 Misleading or dishonest? Direct

  4. RB_Dec16_No_one_Should_Have_No_one.pdf

    back to the job he loved. Arthur has helped restore Paul’s sense of purpose and self-worth. 9 0 20 40 60 80 100 Proportion experiencing reductions in loneliness in relation to their initial loneliness

  5. CRS_June16_BIS_consumer_landscape_and_quicker_switching.pdf

    some regulators in the US have banned price optimisation in insurance. Taking a multi-sector approach 40. We share the Government’s interest in reducing switching times to 7 days across all sectors. In order

  6. CRS_Sept17_Retirement_Outcomes_Review.pdf

    designed to provide an income lasting for many years, the impact of consumer behaviour over 20, 30, 40 or even 50 years is important to consider. Poor decision-making now can cause a lasting detriment of

  7. CRS_March17_review_automatic_enrolment.pdf

    pension does the same. Pensions are still regarded as the safest method of saving for retirement (40 per cent), although property is not far behind (29 per cent). Interestingly only 9 per cent believe

  8. CRS_Feb15_Independent_Review_Retirement_Income.pdf

    claiming their pension at 65 has a 63 per cent chance of reaching an adequate income, compared to a 40 per cent chance for a higher earner. This highlights the problem of using replacement rates alone

  9. Spring 2022 Newsletter WELSH.pdf

    Rydym hefyd yn annog pobl i wella eu hincwm drwy wirio’u hawliadau. Gwyddom, er enghraifft, nad yw 40% o’r bobl sy’n gymwys i gael Credyd Pensiwn yn ei dderbyn oherwydd eu bod nhw’n credu na fydden nhw’n

  10. Age Cymru MMIYP - English.pdf

    Pension age and want help with your rent, you’ll probably have to claim Universal Credit (see page 40), which has a housing costs element. Your local authority will guide you through the steps you need ... benefits for people of working age, see our free factsheet Benefits for people under State Pension age. 40 More money in your pocket Myth-busting Some people miss out on benefits because they mistakenly believe

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