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  1. Jan 2017 - Rural Notes.pdf

    this has consequences on services Workforce – there is not a natural care workforce in rural areas. Training and registration problems can lead to problems with staff retention Solutions Projects raised at

  2. Age Cymru response LGBTQ+ Action Plan consultation October 2021_.pdf

    knowledge that is vital to success. 5. What resources (this could include funding, staff time, training, access to support or advocacy services among other things) do 1 National Survey for Wales, 2018-19:

  3. CRS_Feb16_Social_Security_Advisory_Committee_ response_on_changes_to_benefit_rules_for_temporary_absence_from_Great_Britain.pdf

    specifically at the position of people who have reached Pension Credit age (which is in line with women’s State Pension age). 3 Reduced contact with family 3. For some older people, the changes will ... little national publicity, not many older people have contacted us about this so far. However, one women who had read about the changes told us she would no longer be able to visit her son in New Zealand

  4. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Jan 2021.pdf

    as members of team HOPE. They’ve been working on a volunteer handbook as well as a volunteer training package and look forward to seeing them in action. It has information ranging from HOPE staff contact

  5. Age Cymru Advice Statement of Service (1).docx

    This ensures we maintain our standards of best practice through access to expert consultancy and training. How you can help us .Our advice line team gains satisfaction from their work and the positive

  6. annual_review_2012_2013.pdf

    partners and digital inclusion network, we supported nearly 20,000 older people with digital skills and training. Work & learning Money matters Closer to home We helped 850,000 vulnerable older people to receive ... continue to press for the needs of older people to be central to health services planning, delivery and training throughout the NHS. We will continue to give older people the information they need about the simple

  7. CRS_Feb16_Ofgem_final_proposals_priority_services_register.pdf

    consider how energy companies can improve their practice, including making sure staff are adequately trained in this area, especially to prevent vulnerable customers’ PoA details being lost, or repeated explanations ... the vulnerable people who grant these powers. Ofgem should also monitor company performance around training frontline staff to meet the needs of people living with dementia. 12. We welcome the move towards

  8. 20191127 WG SEO - Age Cymru response.pdf

    that they are supported to challenge social services to obtain the right services. An IPA has the training and knowledge to help an older carer navigate complex systems, make their voices heard and build ... include stairs to platforms, a lack of lifts, and difficulties in negotiating the gap between the train and the platform edge. We welcome the publication of Welsh Government’s accessible and inclusive public

  9. CRS_Feb17_HM_Treasury_response_to_pension_scams.pdf

    transfer at the member’s insistence, it will be vital that all trustees and managers have sufficient training and knowledge to be able to spot a scam, including awareness of current scams and suspicious companies ... the efforts suggested earlier to ensure trustees and managers have upto-date scams knowledge and training. To make this more workable, a cooling-off period could be applied not to all transfers, but rather

  10. 20191010 Chair of Trustees Recruitment Pack.pdf

    people in need by reason of ill-health, disability, financial hardship or disadvantage  Promoting training, arts, culture and heritage for the benefit of older people; and other charitable purposes for the ... properly constituted, balanced and competent Board, including clear procedures for selection, election, training, retirement and if necessary, removal of trustees. Staff 20. Trustees must ensure there is a clear

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