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  1. RB_Sept16_Attendance_Allownace_ survey_report.pdf

    benefits have on their life3 and in the light of possible reforms we decided to look at this again. We wanted people to tell us how they spent their AA and explain, in their own words, what impact it has. ... and see it tidy. Same with my housework. I am afraid of falling and don't want to go into hospital. I haven't much puff! But I want to be independent. (Female 80-89) Keeps me independent in my own home. I

  2. RB_May16_zero_hour_contracts.pdf

    average someone on a ZHC works 25 hours per week. Around 40 per cent of people on ZHCs want more hours, with most wanting them in their current job.14 However, the Government notes that very few workers on ... illustrates the main advantages and disadvantages of ZHCs. Advantages Disadvantages Can help workers who want flexibility in their working patterns (e.g. to fit around other responsibilities such as other work

  3. Gwanwyn_bro_English.pdf

    I’ve been very conscious that this exercise should not merely look back with rose tinted glasses but wanted to provide the opportunity to showcase the best of what Gwawnyn has achieved and to provide inspiration ... exhaustive look at all the work but a selection to demonstrate the variety of work that takes place. We all want Wales to be a good place to grow older and the arts and creativity are absolutely fundamental to that

  4. IG10.pdf

    555 0333. Mailing Preference Service. Free register for people who don’t want to receive sales and marketing materials by post. Tel: 0207 291 3310. Northern ... Telephone Preference Service (TPS). Free register for people who don’t want to receive unsolicited sales and marketing telephone calls. Tel: 0345 070 0707.

  5. FS59w.pdf

    inappropriate for your needs; or  the authority may have refused to assess you at all and you may want to complain about this. Note: Your local authority must understand its legal powers and administer ... the [complaints] process and what you might realistically achieve”;  assist “you work out what you want to say and help…draft letters”; and/or  “support you to prepare for and attend meetings with staff”20

  6. FS25.pdf

    return to the UK right for you? Before returning to the UK, it is important to be clear about why you want to return and try to find out whether your expectations will be met. If you have been absent for some ... when you return to live in the UK. Contact the International Pension Centre to let them know you will want to receive your State Pension in the UK and for further information. If you are over State Pension

  7. RB_Aug14_Living_life_with_dementia.pdf

    expectations and aspirations of people now moving into later life are changing too. People are more likely to want to stay active, to stay connected to their lives and communities, and to have a say in decisions that ... they are delivered. We know that services will have to change in order to deliver what people will want and need in the future. Services are commissioned on a case-by-case basis using mechanisms such as

  8. RB_June15_The_Future_of_Transport_in_an_Ageing_Society.pdf

    using public transport among those 65 and over are that it’s not convenient and does not go where you want. • Women, those with lower incomes, and those without a car were less likely to state that public ... communities Through this ILC-UK and Age UK project, The Future of Transport in an Ageing Society, we wanted to highlight the many transport challenges faced by older people, and discover where the opportunities

  9. RB_Oct13_Age_UK_End_of_Life_Evidence_Review.pdf

    UK End of Life Evidence Review 2013 Susan Davidson and Tom Gentry Research suggests that people want the following things at the end of life8  Pain and symptoms controlled  Spiritual/existentialist ... Not alone (with family present)  Not to be a burden on family  Some want to make their own decisions, others to delegate  Some want to die – acceptance of life’s natural course, loss of identity and independence

  10. RB_June15_Frailty_language_and_perceptions.pdf

    them without assistance. Using participants’ “I don’t want to worry [my children] because they have their own families and problems. You don’t want to admit that you need help.” Female, 71, South, Living ... always feel like that. It’s really dependent on their condition and their state of mind. They just want to go back home and be as independent as they can be. And if they can’t then thy normally sort of

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