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  1. envisage15_Cymraeg.pdf

    yn eu gwaith, ac mae chwech o bob deg yn dweud bod cyfleoedd da ar gyfer cynnydd yn y gwaith. Dywed 43% o weithwyr hŷn yng Nghymru eu bod wedi cymryd camau yn ddiweddar i ddatblygu sgiliau sy’n gysylltiedig

  2. Envisage 2017 W.pdf

    nag un o bob pump o bobl yn 60 oed neu’n hyˆ n.1 Mae epidemig newydd yn tyfu’r un mor gyflym, a dywed 43% o bobl dros 60 oed2 eu bod yn dioddef unigrwydd. Yn y DU, dywedir bod dros 1 miliwn o oedolion hyˆ

  3. RB_July11_Ageing_well_Improving_Later_Life_Book.pdf

    eat. Dr Lisa Methven BSc (Hons), PhD, FIFST Dr Orla Kennedy BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD, RD, RNutr, FIFST 42 43 44 You are what you eat. Dr Lisa Methven Lisa Methven is a lecturer in Food and Sensory Science at

  4. envisage15_English.pdf

    development at their work, and six-in-ten say that there are good opportunities for progression at work. 43% of older workers in Wales report that they’ve recently taken steps to develop work-related skills

  5. envisage15_English.pdf

    development at their work, and six-in-ten say that there are good opportunities for progression at work. 43% of older workers in Wales report that they’ve recently taken steps to develop work-related skills

  6. IG01 - Welsh language.pdf IG01  Medi 2020 43 o 48 Rhif Argyfwng Nwy y Grid Cenedlaethol Os gallwch arogli nwy, ffoniwch y rhif argyfwng nwy 24 awr

  7. Friend In Need Resource -English.pdf

    Language Line: 0808 164 0123 E-mail: Website: They have a specific section about mental health during the coronavirus outbreak at: ... might make them more vulnerable (for example, being over 70) – see the Welsh Government guidance section above. The NHS 111 symptom checker does also take these factors into account. If NHS information

  8. EnvisAGE14_cymraeg_web.pdf

    residential environment, including housing and neighbourhood factors? Journal of Community Psychology, 43(7), 849-867. Livingston, M., Bailey, N., & Kearns, A. (2010). Neighbourhood attachment in deprived

  9. EnvisAGE14_english_web.pdf

    residential environment, including housing and neighbourhood factors? Journal of Community Psychology, 43(7), 849-867. Livingston, M., Bailey, N., & Kearns, A. (2010). Neighbourhood attachment in deprived

  10. Envisage 2017 E.pdf

    than one out of five people will be age 60 or older.1 A new epidemic is growing just as quickly, with 43% of people over 60 reporting2 that they are suffering from loneliness. In the UK, over 1 million older

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