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  1. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy October 2023 Final.pdf

    should be paying for a loved ones care? Or perhaps they may want to know if they’re eligible for Pension Credit and want help with claiming it? Age Cymru Advice can help with all these issues, and more

  2. CRS_April14_Payment_Systems_Regulation.pdf

    can be defined in various ways depending on the regulator but commonly includes those who are of pensionable age and disabled people. This is another area in which the PSR may benefit from sharing expertise

  3. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter October 2023 Final.pdf

    should be paying for a loved ones care? Or perhaps they may want to know if they’re eligible for Pension Credit and want help with claiming it? Age Cymru Advice can help with all these issues, and more

  4. HOPE ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Oct 2020.pdf

    should be paying for a loved ones care? Or perhaps they may want to know if they are eligible for Pension Credit and want help with claiming it? Age Cymru Advice can help with all these issues, and more

  5. CRS_April12_OFT_remote_communities.pdf

    spending cutsvi. This poor service is a particular problem for the 350,000, or 35 per cent of pensioner households in rural areas that have no access to a car or vanvii. To make the most of shrinking

  6. CRS_June12_No_fault_dismissal_in_micro_businesses.pdf

    age-related criteria, without fear of retribution. Discrimination The Department for Work and Pensions’ Second survey of employers’ policies practices and preferences relating to age (SEPPP2) found that

  7. Age Cymru Creating an age friendly Wales W WEB.pdf

    Office of National Statistics (2013) Labour Market Statistics Rhagfyr 2013. 4 Department of Work and Pensions. Older Workers Statistical Information Booklet 2012. 5 Llywodraeth Cymru (2014) Datganiad Hawliau ... hŷn mewn ysbytai yng Nghymru 21 Department for Work and Pensions (2013), Households Below Average Income 2011/12. 22 Department for Work and Pensions (2012), Income Related Benefits: Estimates of Take-up

  8. CRS_Feb16_LGA_housing_commission.pdf

    11 6. Employment There is an expectation that more of us will continue working beyond State Pension age. Older people’s housing should reflect and support these changing patterns of work. 27. Retirement ... retirement housing to offer a work hub for older people who want to carry on working past state pension age. 28. Local authorities and housing associations should consider facilitating back-towork support

  9. RB_Sept13_The_Work_Programme_and_older_jobseekers.pdf

    data covering the period from June 2011 until March 2013, published by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). With Work Programme contracts ending in 2016, the DWP will soon begin designing ‘Work Programme ... Cappellari, Dorsett & Haile (2005), Labour market transitions among the over 50s, Department for Work & Pensions Research Report 296 viii Northern Ireland has a separate welfare system, and has a similar scheme

  10. RB_Oct16_Ageing_in_squalor_and_distress_report.pdf

    oor-Housing-Briefing-Paper-v3.pdf 8 around a fifth (21 per cent) of owner-occupiers aged over pension age, who live in non-decent homes14. More generally, for all tenures, the EHS shows that 29 per cent ... people – but this does not offer a long term solution. Irene is a private tenant who receives Pension Credit and Local Housing Allowance (LHA). Her rent is £850 a month which was covered by her LHA payment

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