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  1. CRS_Oct13_Housing_standards_review.pdf

    Response to the Housing standards review: consultation (Department of Communities and Local Government) Ref: 2713 Date: October 2013 All rights reserved. Third parties may only reproduce this paper ... address is Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. 2 About the consultation The Government is consulting on regulations that determine the basic build standards for all new homes. These

  2. 20190724 Easy access to listed buildings - Age Cymru response.pdf

    1 Consultation Response Easy access to listed buildings in Wales Welsh Government July 2019 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in Wales ... to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We are pleased to respond to the Welsh Government’s consultation on ‘Easy access to listed buildings in Wales’. Being able to take part in community

  3. RB_Nov17_community_transport.pdf

    am writing to you on behalf of Age UK, [Age Cymru, Age Scotland and Age NI] in response to the Government’s recent proposals affecting community transport services. Every year, over 23 million community ... appointments, socialise,vii participate in their local community and prevent loneliness. If the Government were to change the licensing rules that apply to not-for-profit community transport providers,

  4. CRS_Nov16_Managing_medicines_for_adults_receiving_social_care_in_the_community.pdf

    role that home care workers can play in identifying it and reporting it to the prescriber. A large body of recent work has shown that the number of older people on multiple medications has accelerated over

  5. CRS_Aug15_Women_and_Equalities_Select_Committee_transgender_equality.pdf

    More data needs to be collected and monitored to understand what it is like to have an older trans body. 4.3. Older trans people may face health issues relating to their birth gender which need to be

  6. CRS_Feb16_Social_Security_Advisory_Committee_ response_on_changes_to_benefit_rules_for_temporary_absence_from_Great_Britain.pdf

    the time the changes come in. Key points and recommendations Age UK is disappointed that the Government intends to reduce the standard period of time that Pension Credit and Housing Benefit can be paid ... for the DWP and local authorities. Age UK believes the changes should not go ahead, but if the Government is determined to restrict the period that benefits can be paid abroad, this should only be reduced

  7. RB_Nov16_Work_and_Health_Programme.pdf

    high quality advice and guidance, and personal barriers (for example low levels of IT skills). Government policy on ‘Fuller Working Lives’ remains largely focused on staying in work, and Age UK believes ... at as part of the process of reviewing future State Pension age rises.i The Work Programme, the Government’s flagship scheme for the long-term unemployed, has not been successful for the 50+ age group. It

  8. RB_Dec13_Roundtable_is_it_too_late_to_save.pdf

    years and are encouraging their clients to have greater exposure to equity markets. How can the Government generate greater confidence amongst Generation R that savings made now for their approaching retirement ... advertising but help to achieve a more mature understanding of risk and reward? Can industry, Government and regulators work together to develop investment products to include simple to understand guarantees

  9. annual_review_2011_2012.pdf

    ARE COVERED BY A LOCAL AGE UK 3 Together… Together with thousands of older people, we made the Government listen to our collective call to slow down the rise in retirement ages and to introduce a fair ... older people claim £140 million in benefits they were entitled to. Our campaigning work secured a Government amendment to the Pensions Bill – a £1.2 billion spending commitment to stop the retirement age

  10. 20190920 Age Cymru response to workforce strategy consultation.pdf

    deliver excellent services to support new person-centred models We support in principle Welsh Government’s introduction of an accredited qualification for carers, to provide carers with recognition of ... dementia and signpost to advice and support services. Whilst Welsh Government has encouraged GP surgeries to take up Welsh Government funded dementia training4, there is clearly a need for improved training

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