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  1. RB_June11_the_way_we_pay.pdf

    The Way We Pay Payment systems and financial inclusion About Age UK With more people needing our services than ever before, Age Concern and Help the Aged have joined forces, combining almost 120 years ... over 1 million older people. Age UK has received many letters and calls from older people concerned about how they would pay for things if cheques were withdrawn. It is also a major issue with older people

  2. Citizens Voice Body consultation response - Age Cymru March 2023 (1).pdf

    1 Consultation response Establishment of the Citizen Voice Body for Health and Social Care, Wales Welsh Government March 2023 Age Cymru is the leading national charity working to improve the lives ... to this consultation as statistically, older people are more likely to be living with increasing health needs including comorbidities and are also more likely to provide unpaid care. For example, incidences

  3. Being scam aware.pdf

    to stay safe. Encourage them to: • Be sceptical if they receive an email, text or WhatsApp message about the Coronavirus, and never click on any attachments or links. • Never provide personal data such as ... provider to get call blocking in place if they feel they need extra security about who is calling them. • Not be worried about saying no and putting the phone down on strangers who might phone them. Phone

  4. Winter 2022 Newsletter web.pdf

    don’t suffer in silence but reach out to us and we’ll do all we can to help. For general information about the articles in this winter edition of Age Matters or advice on issues such as benefits and entitlements ... weather outside is pleasant, try getting out into the fresh air for a walk that not only brings so many health benefits, but it can also help to break up the day. However, if the weather is not suitable to going

  5. RB_Oct14_NHS_Five_Year_Forward_View.pdf

    the future look like? A new relationship with patients and communities… 10 - Getting serious about prevention… 10 - Empowering patients… 13 - Engaging communities… 14 - The NHS as ... workforce… 30 - We will exploit the information revolution… 32 - We will accelerate useful health innovation… 33 - We will drive efficiency and productive investment… 36

  6. CRS_Dec15_Financial_Advice_Market_Review.pdf

    number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. 2 About this consultation The Financial Advice Market Review was set up to examine how financial advice could ... labels such as ‘advice’ and ‘guidance’, subject to consumer testing. However, we would be concerned about drawing the regulatory barrier more tightly in a way that reduces consumer rights to redress.  Where

  7. IL6.pdf

    carers and expert peer reviewers. Published: August 2024 3 Contents. What this guide is about. 4. Thinking about equity release. What is equity release? 6. Who is equity release available to? 8. Seeking ... benefits. 17. Thinking about other options. 18. Frequently asked questions. 22. Useful organisations. 23. 4 What this guide is about. As we get older, lots of us start to think about how we’ll manage financially

  8. Sign up to the Priority Services Registers

    long-term medical condition are recovering from an injury have a hearing or sight condition have a mental health condition are pregnant or have children under five have extra communication needs, such as if you ... you. You can register for all or some of the services. The Priority Services Register (Ofgem) Video about Priority Services Register (YouTube) If someone else manages the bills You can still sign up to the

  9. Helping older people understand what support is available to carers

    you should consider: are you getting enough sleep; can you get out and about; are you eating well; is your physical and mental health deteriorating; can you cope with other family commitments; can you juggle

  10. RB_Sep13_supporting_older_carers.pdf

    Faculty of Health and Medicine Lancaster University i Executive Summary: This report presents findings from an independent evaluation commissioned by National Age UK through the Department of Health Supporting ... carer’s often have complex and multiple needs that co-exist with their cared-for relative’s complex health and welfare circumstances • Reciprocal and changeable caregiving may often exist within same household

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