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  1. CRS_June14_Freedom_choice_in_pensions.pdf

    delivery of independent guidance to a trusted third party? Please see our comments contained in section 4 and 5 above. In summary, clear preference is that the guidance should be delivered by a central

  2. Employment and Contribution policy statement (September 2016).pdf

    to work can also depend on the profession or industry in which you work. As covered in an earlier section, long-term unemployment also remains a particular problem for the 50–64 age group and being unemployed

  3. IG31.pdf

    important to tell your executors where your will is kept, so it’s easy to locate after you die. See the section ‘Choosing executors’ for more information about what an executor is and what they do (see page 16)

  4. IG56.pdf

    to for support – we’ve included a couple below. You can find more in the ‘Useful organisations’ section on pages 27-32. Call Samaritans at any time of the day or night if you need someone to talk to: 116

  5. IG44.pdf

    decades, there may come a point when experience alone isn’t enough to keep you driving safely. In this section, we outline some of the key things you should consider when thinking about safe driving. Sight and

  6. Discrimination and Human Rights policy statement.pdf

    to fall within the scope of the HRA. Following a sustained campaign this loophole was closed by section 145 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008. However, there is still a group who remained unprotected

  7. RB_Feb17_AgeUK_Wellbeing_Index_Summary_web.pdf

    full report will be available on Age UK’s website at On this section of the website you will also find a glossary of wellbeing indicator terms, a more detailed summary

  8. Income and Finances policy statement - January 2018.pdf

    income that they are entitled to from means-tested support (see welfare benefits and entitlements section). Until all pensioners receive adequate income through State Pensions and private pensions and

  9. ENGLISH Advocacy Newsletter Extra May 2020.pdf

    past few years. The resources can be accessed through the Age Cymru Website. If you look at the section “our work” and click on the Golden Thread Advocacy Programme this will lead you to all the work we

  10. envisage15_Cymraeg.pdf

    yn eu gwaith, ac mae chwech o bob deg yn dweud bod cyfleoedd da ar gyfer cynnydd yn y gwaith. Dywed 43% o weithwyr hŷn yng Nghymru eu bod wedi cymryd camau yn ddiweddar i ddatblygu sgiliau sy’n gysylltiedig

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