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  1. Age Cymru Activity Cards_Words_E.pdf

    creating something new from them. • Write down a well-known poem • Cut out each line • Put each line in a hat or bag • Ask someone to randomly pick a line and read it out • Now make a poem or verse starting ... looking at a blank page and trying to write a poem. This exercise gives people a good starting point to work from. 1 Creating an age friendly Wales Words Birds Birds can be a great theme for a creative session

  2. Age Cymru Hope Project overview page + QPM BILINGUAL - updated June 24.pdf

    then fully training and supporting project volunteers. HOPE aims to support people at an early stage in their issues or concerns to prevent them slipping into crisis. We want to help people to get the help ... sure the service we provide is right for the needs of older people and carers in their areas. We want to make sure we work with and complement the existing advocacy providers and forums across Wales. •

  3. General Election 2024

    bring forward practical policies to ensure older people in Wales have the best experience of later life. Approximately 1,300,100 people who live in Wales are aged 50 or over. The number of people aged 65 ... tailored accordingly. Improving older people’s rights and tackling ageism  Ageism is endemic in our society. One of the consequences is that older people’s views are often not sought or heard

  4. CRS_June14_Employment_support_for_unemployed_older_people.pdf

    defined as being out of work for over a year, is one of the most serious challenges facing the over 50s in the contemporary UK labour market. While some older workers remain in stable employment until ... to retire, many others find themselves out of work and have a much more torrid journey through the later part of their working life. For those out of work it can be extremely difficult to get another job

  5. CRS_Feb17_implementing_information_prompts_annuity_market.pdf

    Consultation Response FCA consultation: Implementing information prompts in the annuity market February 2017 Ref: 1017 All rights reserved. Third parties may only ... Age UK is a charitable company limited by guarantee and registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address

  6. What pension options do I have?

    If you've saved into a defined contribution pension scheme during your working life, you need to decide what to do with the money you've saved towards your pension when you retire.    Your pension ... anything. It's a good idea to take some time to consider all of your options so that you don't end up in a situation where you’re unable to use your pension pot money, or the money has run out. Think

  7. RB_Jan10_older_people’s_experiences_of_renting_privately.pdf

    particular thanks go to all those people living in the private rented sector who so generously and patiently gave us their time and shared their experiences with us. In undertaking this project we have been assisted ... assisted by a number of organisations in different parts of the UK that have helped us make contact with older people living in the private rented sector. We are grateful to them all as the project would

  8. Spring Newsletter 2023 v5.pdf

    starting to show themselves with blossom on trees and bulbs starting to flower, though snow does remain in the weather forecast. That’s why we’re still encouraging people who might not have received their energy ... articles on the work of Age Cymru and Age Cymru local partners in this edition. I wanted to take this opportunity to say how proud I am of the whole team for their work in achieving the Investing in Volunteer

  9. RB_March13_Age_Friendly_Neighbourhoods.pdf

    older people continue to play an active part in their community, problems with mobility, vision and memory can make neighbourhoods difficult to navigate. In simple terms, the concept of age friendly neighbourhoods ... all ages to lead independent lives. All neighbourhoods are different and the older people who live in them have diverse priorities and needs. But there are common issues that many older people report need

  10. CRS_March14_Banking_Standards_Review.pdf

    registered in England (registered charity number 1128267 and registered company number 6825798). The registered address is Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. About this consultation In September ... Lambert to start a process to create a new organisation to help raise standards and competence in banking in the UK. This follows the report from the Parliamentary Commission on Banking Standards which said

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