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  1. Age Cymru - Avoiding slips, trips and falls leaflet - English.pdf

    home. The second is a self assessment form asking you about your general health and wellbeing. This will help you think about simple activities and interventions which can help you maintain your independence ... many simple changes you can make around your home to reduce your risk of falling. In this booklet we will examine areas in the home and give you some handy tips on how to make your home safer. Floors •

  2. State Pension

    into effect, replacing the Basic State Pension that existed before it. Which pension applies to you will depend on whether you reached State Pension age before the New State Pension came into force - see ... receive it, and only new claimants receive the New State Pension. Eventually the Basic State Pension will be phased out completely. From April 2021, State Pension age is 66 for both men and women (in the

  3. CRS_Sept17_Advising_on_pension_transfers.pdf

    the individual, which the FCA believes is no longer working well in practice. Key points and recommendations  The high number of transfers out of Defined Benefit pensions is a matter of significant concern ... significant risk to survivor benefits. When survivor benefits are given up it is likely that many women will lose out, adding to gender inequality in retirement incomes.  There are considerable risks to consumers

  4. CRS_April14_Speeding_up_cheque_payments.pdf

    consulting on proposals to change legislation to allow cheques to be processed differently. The changes will require investment in systems which should allow cheques to be processed more quickly, facilitate ... limits in lending to be replaced with appropriate use of underwriting). Key points and recommendations  We welcome the Government’s decision to ensure sustainability of the essential service currently

  5. CRS_May13_flexible_working_draft_CoP.pdf

    This consultation looks at the draft Code of Practice, as proposed by ACAS. Key points and recommendations • Age UK supports the extension of the right to request flexible working and the removal of ... supports the extension of the right to request flexible working to all employees. We are hopeful it will help engender a positive cultural change in favour of flexibile working, while providing employees

  6. CRS_July15_Older_peoples_independence_and_mental_wellbeing.pdf

    November 2015. As part of this, stakeholders have been invited to comment on the provisional recommendations set out in the draft guideline (available online here). Age UK welcomes this guideline as a positive ... within the guideline which make a huge difference to the lives of older people. Key points and recommendations Age UK’s detailed comments can be seen in the NICE proforma below. Key points from our response

  7. Independent Professional Advocacy presentation.pdf

    understanding of independent professional advocacy Learning outcomes At the end of this module learners will: 1. Be able to describe what advocacy is and why it is important 2. Have identified the key principles ... the well-being principles and duties of the Act Learning outcomes At the end of this module learners will: 1. Have explored the issues of choice and control for individuals requiring an Independent Professional

  8. Accessibility Action Plan - November 2017.pdf

    that social isolation and loneliness will impact upon older people’s wellbeing. Comments relating to Action Points Accessible streets (p18 & p19) Action 1: We will commission a research project to scope ... summer 2017. As part of this project we will also examine updating our guidance on the use of tactile paving surfaces. We will then consider other recommendations and determine a way forward. We are supportive

  9. CRS_Oct10_phasing_out_the_DRA.pdf

    announcement of 29 July 2010 that they intend to abolish the Default Retirement Age, examining how this will be achieved and what measures are needed in its absence. The consultation document poses five main ... through which an employer can force an employee to retire) • How age discrimination and unfair dismissal will operate in the absence of Schedule 6. • Discussions on retirement plans between an employer and employee

  10. Gwanwyn_bro_English.pdf

    Into a grave to turn to dust, Or a furnace to be burnt to ashes. That is, if we do not possess The will to not let go Of the eternal springtime of imagining. So, come out, friends, and dance, Compose and ... Wales Millennium Centre, is establishing a regular Parkour for older people group in South Wales and will offer training for Welsh Parkour coaches to extend their practice to include classes for older people

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