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  1. IL4.pdf

    good anti-virus protection for phones and tablets is free and can be downloaded online. Some highly rated anti-virus apps, which are free, are: • Avast mobile security (visit • Kaspersky internet

  2. Housing policy statement March 2020.pdf

    and quality of accommodation; giving local authorities the power to charge more than the standard rate of council tax on long-term empty homes; and assisting the provision of co-operative housing.22 With

  3. FS76w.pdf

    98. Our advice line is open between 9am and 4pm, Monday – Friday. (Calls are charged at the same rate as a call to a standard 01 or 02 number. They will also be automatically included in any landline

  4. RB_Dec12_IA_for_Older_People_Evidence_Review_update.pdf

    Attendance Allowance and, due to the severity of their disabilities, they were both awarded the higher rate of £73.60 per week. As a result, they also became entitled to the Severe Disability Premium and Carer’s ... Lancashire and Greater Manchester. The contract is based on payment by results so they get paid a sessional rate for the amount of sessions they deliver in a month. The service has established a good network of

  5. RB_July14_Housing_Later_Life_Report.pdf

    in the potential of ‘Home Share’ initiatives, whereby older people rent out a spare room at a low rate in exchange for basic level of support – such as help with shopping and cleaning. Escalating rents ... and as a result may find their standard of living declining or savings falling at a much higher rate than anticipated. Tenants may have to pay charges to cover support services, but these charges can

  6. FS8.pdf

    98. Our advice line is open between 9am and 4pm, Monday – Friday. (Calls are charged at the same rate as a call to a standard 01 or 02 number. They will also be automatically included in any landline

  7. RB_Jan15_Promising_approaches-loneliness_and_isolation.pdf

    information Springboard delivers around 30,000 ‘smart’ home visits per year. They have a 98 per cent success rate in being invited into homes, due to the trusted brands of partners CFRS and Age UK. At each visit ... and ability to cope with the caring role, on a scale of 1–5 (where one represents a low rating and five a high rating). For the period April 1st 2013–March 31st 2014 average scores ranged from 3.75–5. ‘Aside

  8. RB_Dec17_Painful_Journeys_InDepth_Report.pdf

    local authorities allow someone to accompany a disabled person on the bus at a free or discounted rate. However, these companion assistance schemes (sometimes known as plus one schemes) are not mandatory

  9. FS16.pdf

    hormones Hormone therapy means taking hormones of the sex you identify with. The type, intensity, and rate of reaction to hormone therapy varies from person to person and depends on the type of medication

  10. IG06.pdf

    search for local care homes on their website. All inspected care homes must have a copy of their ratings on display and make their latest report available. In Wales, contact the Care Inspectorate Wales

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