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  1. CRS_June16_Ofcom_broadband_USO.pdf

    and it should be available to people on the lowest incomes. v. For the USO to be meaningful, the Government should invest in building (older) people’s digital skills, especially those with the least experience ... removal of offline access to essential services, and the resulting deprivation and stress, the Government should consider imposing a levy to pay for the offline provision of essential services as a supplement

  2. CRS_Aug16_Ofwat_introducing_competition_to residential_customers.pdf

    introducing competition to residential customers in England: emerging findings’. This is part of the Government’s agenda to ‘open up markets to new entrants, driving greater competition and providing consumers ... solutions to help more people switch; given that this is a significant and on-going challenge, the Government should be cautious about expecting better outcomes for water customers. 3 7. If competition is

  3. RB_March13_Age_Friendly_Neighbourhoods.pdf

    feeling confident enough to go out at all. While national government can set the framework for age friendly neighbourhoods, it is local government that has the main part to play. To date action has been ... activists should work with the voluntary sector and community groups to challenge national and local government to listen to older people and invest in age friendly neighbourhoods. 2  Local authorities should

  4. CRS_Sept16_Age_UK's_response_to_DCLG_consultation_including_Attendance_Allowance.pdf

    Consultation Response Age UK’s response to the DCLG consultation Self-sufficient local government: 100% Business Rates Retention September 2016 Age UK reference number: 2316 All rights ... Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA. 2 About this consultation The Government is reforming local government finance so that by the end of this Parliament local councils in England will retain

  5. RB_Sept16_After_the_Referendum.pdf

    Commons Library. Note that this briefing relates to matters that are reserved to the Westminster Government. UK human rights legislation covers the whole of the United Kingdom, but enforcement is devolved ... by any possible changes to equalities and human rights legislation. Before the Referendum, the Government had already committed itself to repealing the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA) and replacing it with

  6. RB_2013_Falls_Prevention_Guide.pdf

    Trust trains both healthcare professionals and exercise professionals working in local statutory bodies and the voluntary sector to deliver evidence based PSI and Otago falls prevention exercise programmes ... Department of Health (2011) UK Physical Activity Guidelines for Older Adults, available at: Help the Aged (2008) Spotlight Report 2008, available

  7. Tell Me More Summary Report - English.pdf

    the lived experience of care home residents during the Covid-19 pandemic and is funded by Welsh Government. This report details key themes that featured in the conversations we had with people living ... neighbours.’ 7 ‘I lost seven close friends’ ‘There is a hearse that comes at night for the bodies’ ‘I lost my wife and my sister to Covid’ Facilitator: She spoke about friends dying in the home

  8. 20190829 Draft Development Plans Manual (Edition 3) - Age Cymru response.pdf

    1 Consultation Response Draft Development Plans Manual (Edition 3) Welsh Government August 2019 Introduction Age Cymru is the leading charity working to improve the lives of all older people in ... to raise awareness of the issues of importance to them. We are pleased to respond to the Welsh Government’s consultation ‘Draft Development Plans Manual (Edition 3)’. The number of older people in Wales

  9. CRS_Nov12_Ending_the_employment_relationship.pdf

    avenue. • The Government must remain committed to eradicating age discrimination. No policy should be enacted which could undermine the abolition of the Default Retirement Age. • The Government should give ... perspective. This viewpoint should be incorporated into the statutory guidance in some form. • The Government must ensure that the types of legal protection settlement agreements do not offer is clear. For

  10. Information, Advice and Advocacy policy statement - May 2021.docx

    improve the support of people who rely on social care.S ummary of public policy proposalsWelsh Government must monitor the implementation of the Information and Advice Action Plan to ensure the effective ... quality and delivered to a consistent standard and availability wherever it is needed in Wales.Welsh Government and local authorities must recognise that an ‘all-adult’ approach to tendering for services can

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